Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Jan 21 2014

RWC Minutes: January 21, 2014
PSAC Calgary Regional Women’s Committee Meeting
In Attendance:   
Fei Zhou – AGR 30046   
Hazel Buchanan – UVAE 30032
Emma Bertamini – UTE 30024
Deb Kosteniuk – UTE 30024                                                                 
Stephanie Vandewaeter – CIU 30036
Via Conference call:
Marianne Hladun – REVP
Nancy Johnson- PRC Women’s Representative
Staff Support:
Lisa Garnier - Prairies Regional Coordinator
Dolly Ablitt – Regional Representative                      
1. Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm.
2. Introductions -  everyone introduced themselves, name, local and union involvement.
3. REVP – Sister Hladun reviewed the constitutional structure and mandate of the RWC, the committee structures and a general overview of the role of RWC in the Prairies structure.  She also discussed the Roles and Responsibilities of the Committee to the Council and how reporting works.  She shared some personal meaningful experiences and activities from when she was an active RWC member.  The document Committee Funding and Reporting Procedures was handed out as a resource and reviewed briefly.
4. Regional Coordinator – Sister Garnier reviewed the roles and expectations of the Regional Representative and Administrative Assistant in providing technical support to the committee as well as what the expectations were of the Committee in working with the Regional Office. Sister Ablitt reviewed past activities of Regional Women’s Committees and gave a brief outline of training that will be offered along with iminent activites that the committee may decide to participate in.  A planning day complete with training will be offered to support newly elected representatives and the committee.
5. PRC Women’s Representative- Sister Johnson reviewed her role in providing guidance and support to RWC committees in the Prairies from the political perspective.  She outlined key days, activities and campaigns that a variety of committees have participated in to demonstrate what the committee can focus on and accomplish.  For example, International Women’s Day March 8 – Bread and Roses Brunch, Sisters in Spirit Vigil October 4,  December 6 National Day of Mourning and Remembrance on Violence against Women; Community activities like a community garden, Women’s Fair,  knitting circle etc; Campaign promotions such as Kitchen Table Conversations – Childcare, Pay Equity, Reproductive Rights etc.
6. Elections – Chaired by Sister Garnier, a call for nominations for each position was called 3 times from the group.
Deb Kosteniuk   n. Hazel Buchanan  s.  Emma Bertamini    
Hazel Buchanan   n. Stephanie Vanderwaeter  s.  Deb Kosteniuk
Emma Bertamini  n. Stephanie Vanderwaeter  s.  Deb Kosteniuk
The oath of office was administered and everyone signed it.
7. Next meeting date:  Sunday, February 9th, 2014 starting at Noon in the Calgary Regional Office Boardroom.  Training, planning, budget will be the focus of the session.  We will go until 5PM. Sister Ablitt will seek input for the Agenda for the Training/planning meeting.
Recorder:  Sister Ablitt, Regional Representative, Calgary Regional Office
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