Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Feb 9 2014

RWC Minutes: February 9th, 2014
PSAC Calgary Regional Women’s Committee
In Attendance:
Chair: Deb Kosteniuk
Treasurer: Hazel Buchanan
Secretary: Emma Bertamini
Regional Representative: Dolly Ablitt
1. Meeting Called to order at 12:30pm
2. Adoption of Minutes from January 21 2014 Meeting. – Minutes accepted 
3. Terms of Reference – Regional and Local Terms of Reference were reviewed and it was agreed that we would draft  new terms of reference for this committee which will be distributed for approval at the next RWC meeting on February 24th, 2014. 
4. Plan of Action – Sister Dolly Ablitt detailed all events that we could attend and partner in throughout the 2014 year.  All events were discussed and we voted on what events we would like to attend, taking into account prior events the committee has supported and women’s rights and initiatives that the PSAC supports. Also taken into account was the budget.  A discussion was also had about other possible plans of speakers that may be asked to attend for certain events throughout the year.  As part of the Sisters in Spirit Walk in October it was put forth that a Speaker from Awo Taan Women’s Shelter may be invited to attend a meeting to explain the Shelters Role.  Also discussed was inviting Autumn Eaglespeaker to attend a meeting and speak to the committee.  Sister Sherry Hunt from Lethbridge may also be asked to attend a meeting to discuss the National Childcare Campaign.  Possible training and education sessions were also discussed and Sister Dolly Ablitt advised that there is a course put on by the PSAC, “A Women’s Place is in her Union” and that there may be a possibility for the committee to have a retreat also.  All plans to be discussed and decided upon at future meetings.  Plan of Action is also to be submitted and voted on for approval at the next RWC meeting on February 24th, 2014. Plan of Action attached.
5. Budget – Prior fund amounts owed to the Calgary RWC are yet to be determined and Sister Deb Kosteniuk is to speak with REVP Sister Marianne Hladun regarding obtaining these funds.  It was also decided that the prior books and records are to be audited and Sister Deb is to ask the Area Council if they would audit the books.  Also discussed was a possible outside audit may be performed if deemed necessary. The Budget proposal was agreed upon and Sister Hazel has written it up and it is to be sent for approval by REVP Sister Marianne Hladun.  Also discussed was the opening of the committees bank account and that the minutes from the prior meeting would be needed to open the account and that there needs to be at least 2 people on account for signing authority. An appointment for the opening of the bank account is to be made by Sister Hazel. Copy of budget has been attached.
6. Handouts – Sister Dolly Ablitt distributed handouts as resources for the executive.
7. PSAC Triennial Convention – The PSAC Triennial Convention is in June and it was discussed that the committee is allowed to send one delegate. If any of us are selected as delegates by our local then this would allow for someone else to attend the convention on behalf of the RWC. Delegate to be determined.
8. Next Meeting Date - It was decided that our next meeting date is to be February 24th 2014 even though Sister Dolly Ablitt will not be here to be able to attend. Meeting is to start at 5pm with a light dinner and the actual meeting to commence at 5:30pm at the Calgary Regional Office Boardroom.  Budget, Terms of reference and Plan of action approval will be the focus of the session.
Sister Emma Bertamini
Secretary: Calgary Regional Women’s Committee
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