Winnipeg RWC Mtg Minutes - June 10 2014

In Attendance:
Gloria Kelly UNDE
Shelley Henn AGR
Darlene MClure  AGR
Paula Nygaard retiree
Dawn MacAulay AGR
Mona Simcoe UNDE
Lorelei Topnik USGE
Tania Lachance DLC CAHRD
Florence Tokar UNE
Christine McJannet  UNE
Andrea Rose DCL CAHRD
Stephanie Primrose DCL CAHRD
Darlene Matthews DCL CAHRD
Shelley Jamieson PSAC Staff
Introductions and Call to Order at 5:30pm
PSAC statement on Harassment read by Gloria Kelly identifying anti-harassment resource person as Paula Nygaard agreed to by all.
Adoption of Minutes from April 8, 2014 adoption of minutes as circulated
-Motion Mona Simcoe/Stephanie Primrose
Chair’s Report
-June 18th at Union Center is a multi-locals meeting on bargaining and sick leave all are encouraged to attend
-June 17th Green Economy Network holding a round table session for those interested
-Thank you letters received from the Machray School and Breakfast for Learning
Treasurer’s Report 
-under donations amounts have been reversed.  Switch i and ii dollar amounts around
-Motion Dawn MacAulay/Darlene McClure
 Alternate to the Prairie Regional Convention, Stephanie Primrose has stepped down as she was elected as a delegate from her local. As we have not announced elections we can’t have an election at this time for the alternate.
New Business
“Building a Peoples Agenda” is a social forum to take place on July 5 with idle no more and other local labour groups with the University of Winnipeg.  There will be four workshops to take part in.
Miss Representation presentation by Sister Mona Simcoe
This is a film that was made to inspire and motivate us all to be agents of change in our culture. Canadian youth are being sold the concept that women and girls’ value lies in their youth, beauty, and sexuality.  It’s time to break that cycle of mistruth.  Miss Representation is so much more than a film-it’s a full-fledged movement to awaken people’s consciousness to recognize the true value of women, change the way women and girls are represented in the media, interrupt and stop patterns of sexism, and ensure a tipping point that will lead to gender parity in leadership throughout the United States and Canada.  Speaking notes attached.
Desserts and Draw donated by Sister Gloria Kelly won by Sister Dawn MacAulay
Next Meeting September 9, 2014
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