Calgary AC Special Mtg Minutes - Oct 15 2014

Calgary Area Council Special Meeting Minutes October 15, 2014


Alec Goertzen – President (CIU #30036)

Dale Marianicz – Vice President (AGR #30046)

Phillip Chan – Treasurer (UNE SSO #30040)

Janet Parris – Secretary (UTE #30024)

Timothy Hunt – HRC rep (CIU #30036)


Guest:  Dolly Ablitt – PSAC RO


The meeting started promptly at 5:45 pm.

This was a special meeting of the Calgary Area Council to address resolutions for the triennial convention which were invited to be presented from our September callout email which went to all locals and committees.  We have eleven resolutions to consider.  The majority of the resolutions will be moved by Alec Goertzen and seconded by Dale Marianicz to expedite the process.

Resolution 1:  Family Care Allowance – Restrictions


M/S:  Goertzen/Marianicz   CARRIED


Resolution 2:  Child Care in Canada


M/S:  Goertzen/Marianicz   CARRIED


Resolution 3:  National Aboriginal Day as Statutory Holiday


M/S:  Goertzen/Marianicz   CARRIED


Resolution 4:  Changes to Workforce Survey to Include Equity Seeking Groups


M/S:  Goertzen/Marianicz   CARRIED


Resolution 5:  Protective Reassignment for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers


M/S:  Goertzen/Marianicz   CARRIED


Resolution 6:  Domestic Violence Awareness Education


Defeated:   Rationale:  This is not the Union’s place.  This is more a responsibility for workplace EAP’s


Resolution 7:  Expansion of We Are All Affected Campaign


Defeated:   Rationale:  The We Are All Affected campaign is intended for all Canadians from all communities including the equity seeking communities


Resolution 8:  Constitutional Amendment



Rationale:  Regional Convention Resolution BL-011A was split however the following did pass and is being referred to National Triennial already.  The wording is identical to this resolution. Therefore the minutes reflect that our Resolution 8 was omitted for this reason. 


Resolution 9:  Affiliation with Provincial Labour Federations and Local Labour Councils


M/S:  Goertzen/Marianicz   CARRIED


Resolution 10:  Second Alternate – REVP


M/S:  Goertzen/Marianicz   CARRIED


Resolution 11:  Raising the Age Limit of Youth Worker


M/S:  Chan/Marianicz   CARRIED


The meeting ended at 19:45




ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS Family Care Allowance “restrictions” limit the care of family members who require family care to outside agencies. “The FCA shall not normally be paid for services provided by a spouse or relative residing with the claimant” – PSAC policy 25; and

WHEREAS the PSAC does allow payment for family care allowance (FCA) with receipt, it does not allow reimbursement of care costs associated with family care provided by a relative in the same home; and

WHEREAS as this stands, this is a systemic barrier for a number of our members (would be activists) involvement in union activities; therefore:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Public Service Alliance of Canada undertake a full policy review on behalf of and with input from the membership to remove all barriers of family status and further review the applicable rates to be reflective of a variety of care options.  Review to be completed and implemented by December 2016.


Moved:  Alec Goertzen

Seconded:  Dale Marianicz





ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



The PSAC Will continue to work with affiliates, allies and child care advocates to propose & develop a campaign to aggressively lobby the various levels of governments for a nationally funded child care program to be implemented by unionized workers that is accessible, affordable and standardized across the country.

Further, the PSAC will dedicate $10K per year for each region to promote the campaign in their workplace and community.


·        The UN report card –The Child Care Transition (2008)- ranked Canada last out of 24 economically advanced countries in the area of early childhood education and care.

·        The UN Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979) requires Canada to ensure access to affordable child care.

·        Canada ratified the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, holding itself accountable internationally for its progress in “setting standards in health care, education and social services.” Under the terms of this document, governments commit themselves to acting in “the best interests of the child” on the basis of human rights.


Moved:  Alec Goertzen

Seconded:  Dale Marianicz





ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS the Aboriginal community in Canada has provided all Canadians with a rich and meaningful cultural heritage; and

WHEREAS the Aboriginal peoples are not fully recognized for their contribution to Canadian heritage; and

WHEREAS June 21st is National Aboriginal Day; therefore:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Public Service Alliance of Canada campaigns and lobbies the federal government to ensure that June 21st, National Aboriginal Day be declared a national statutory holiday.


Moved:  Alec Goertzen

Seconded:  Dale Marianicz



RESOLUTION (4): Changes to workforce survey to include equity seeking groups


ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS the main evaluation tool -in the Federal Public Service- is based on the Public Service Employee Survey (PSES); and

WHEREAS  this survey does not ask respondents if they wish to identify as equity seeking members. It is believed that PSES data on equity seeking members would help the union make links with any ongoing discrimination against equity group members such as bullying in the workplace; and

WHEREAS employment equity legislation addresses a need to provide protection and ensure an equitable and representative workforce, and provides protection for all minorities in society; therefore:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT PSAC lobby the Federal Government to include OPTIONAL questions TO IDENTIFY equity seeking groups as established by Canadian Human Rights, in the next workforce survey.



Moved:  Alec Goertzen

Seconded:  Dale Marianicz



RESOLUTION (5): Protective Reassignment for pregnant and nursing mothers


ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS current legislations recognize the right to protective reassignment of federal employees when their working conditions endanger their pregnancy or their nursing babies; and

WHEREAS workers in Quebec have access to paid leave for protective reassignment; and

WHEREAS current legislation does not extend the right to protective reassignment to federal employees; and

WHEREAS  this leave is considered unpaid leave.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT PSAC exert pressure to obtain legislation guaranteeing the protective reassignment of workers so that pregnant or nursing employees receive leave with pay; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT PSAC negotiate with employers a policy similar to the protective reassignment provisions in Quebec; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT PSAC continue the petition campaign to make progress on the issue of protective reassignment for pregnant or nursing women; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT PSAC work in solidarity with all women who do not have access to protective reassignment.


Moved:  Alec Goertzen

Seconded:  Dale Marianicz



RESOLUTION (6): Domestic Violence Awareness Education


ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS domestic abuse and workplace violence have made it more difficult for anyone who have experienced it to be successful in the workforce; and

WHEREAS with education we as a union would be stronger and would be better able to assist our affected members to cope, move forward, and work towards succession in the workforce; no longer being held back by the effects of abuse; and

WHEREAS PSAC has always been a strong supporter of social issues, and their popular education approach would have an impact on the lives and families of those affected.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT PSAC develops a domestic violence awareness course for the education of members on the struggles of victims of domestic and/or workplace abuse and of approaches that can be taken to make a difference to the lives and families of members affected by such violence situations.




Rationale:  Not in the Union’s place.  This is more a responsibility for EAP and Management.


RESOLUTION (7): Expansion of We Are All Affected Campaign


ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS this government has not provided necessary data or assurances that their responsibilities are being met under Employment Equity legislation; and

WHEREAS the majority of new Canadians are racially visible, face challenges, are further marginalized and are negatively impacted by cuts to services and reduced access to information and processes:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT PSAC’s We Are All Affected campaign is expanded to highlight affects on equity seeking  communities; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT PSAC engages the equity seeking communities in the campaign to further highlight the disproportionate effects the Workforce Adjustment program has had on these members.


Rationale:  The We Are All Affected campaign is intended for all Canadians from all communities including the equity seeking communities


RESOLUTION (8): Constitutional Amendment


ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS the PSAC Harassment Statement was last adopted in January 29, 2010 lists ‘gender identity or expression’ and is read out at every current PSAC meeting or event, and

WHEREAS the current published PSAC Constitution of November 2012 only lists ‘gender identity’ under Section 5 – Membership Rights, and

WHEREAS LGBT members who identify under ‘gender expression’ are currently excluded by the current constitution 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the PSAC Constitution Section 5, subsection (b) be amended to read as follows:


to be free from any act or omission on the part of the union, or other members, that would discriminate against the member on the basis of age, sex, colour, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, marital status, family status, criminal record, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, language, political belief, social and economic class or employer

; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all references of ‘gender identity’ be replaced with ‘gender identity or expression’ elsewhere in the PSAC Constitution, website or any reference materials.



RESOLUTION (9): Affiliation with provincial labour federations and local labour councils


ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS the PSAC is affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) whose constitution in article 5, section 4(a) states:

All affiliates must require their union locals to join federations and labour councils where such exist


WHEREAS the strength of the labour movement is built on solidarity and respect for the Constitutions of the labour organizations with which the PSAC is affiliated; and

WHEREAS the CLC promotes the interests of working women and men at the municipal, provincial, national, and international levels; and

WHEREAS  the CLC is committed to supporting the PSAC in its campaigns against Harper’s anti-labour legislation.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PSAC work with Components, Area Councils, and Regional Councils to encourage union locals to join their respective federations and labour councils and to resolve any impediments that may be preventing them from doing so.

Moved:  Alec Goertzen

Seconded:  Dale Marianicz



RESOLUTION (10): Second Alternate - REVP


ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



WHEREAS in the current PSAC Constitution there is no provision for a 2nd Alternate to the Regional Executive Vice President (REVP) positions; and

WHEREAS if an REVP position became vacant during s term and was filled by the Alternate REVP, the A/REVP becomes vacant

WHEREAS the establishment of a 2nd alternate to the REVP would ensure a smooth and cost effective process.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PSAC Constitution be amended to allow regions the option of establishing a position of a 2nd Alternate to the REVP; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the PSAC Constitution, Section 16, Sub-Section (4): (a) shall read:

(a) will elect a REVP, an Alternate-REVP (A/REVP) and where applicable and in accordance with the applicable Regional By-Laws, a2nd Alternate-REVP and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THATthe any other references to A/REVP be updated to include a 2nd A/REVP.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THATSection 23, Sub-Section (10): (c) shall read:

(c) A vacancy in the office of the REVP shall be filled by ascension of the Alternate REVP from the same region. A vacancy in the office of Alternate REVP shall be filled by ascension of the 2nd Alternate REVP (where applicable and in accordance with the applicable Regional By-Laws).


RESOLUTION (11): Raising the age limit of youth worker


ORIGINATOR: Calgary Area Council



The PSAC Will raise the age limit of young worker from 30 years old to 35 years old


•        People are entering the work force at a later age due to higher education requirements and therefore not engaging

•        The higher age allows for longer and increased exposure of new members to how the PSAC and its Components function as a Union

•        This will allow for increased exchange of ideas and experiences between members from a variety of background and length of Union Membership


Moved:  Philip Chan

Seconded:  Dale Marianicz


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