Edmonton AC Mtg Minutes - Dec 6 2014

Edmonton Area Council Meeting Minutes 
09 December 2014

In Attendance: 

Murray Pruden
Ben Lemon
Terri Flynn
Kim Haynes
Dave Burchell
Steve Sukhbir
Dragana Ristivojevic
Genevieve Babineau
Oneil Carlier


James Somers
Denise Davey

Guests: (Via Telecon) Marianne Hladun

1. Call to Order

The Meeting started at 1740 by Oneil Carlier

2.  Approval of the Agenda:

3.  Review and approval of the previous meeting’s agenda    

* The last minutes dated 20 January 2014 was approved with corrections motioned by Dave Burchill and seconded by Dragana Ristivojevic

4.  Reports: 

* Ben Lemon presented his views for Defending Sick Leave; Dending Public Services and the Need for a clear Vision and Strategy.
* Financial reports were to stand as presented until end of fiscal year.

5.  Previous business:

6.  New business:

7.  Actions: 

Round Robin:

* Murray Pruden stated we need Priorities and a Game Plan
* Ben Lemon Stated we need to go out to our MPs. cyber stalking and suggested we need to offer Lobby Training for our members at large.
* Terri Flynn Stated we need to to focus on social networking, re tweeting etc..
* Dave Burchill also offered his help when around
* Kim Haynes stated we need more to "REACT" and we need to get things going.

8.  Elections:

Elections for the Following was held and members sworn in by Oneil Carlier:

* President: Steve Sukhbir nominated by Dave Burchill and Seconded by  Murray Pruden
* Vice President: Ben Lemon nominated by Dave Burchill and Seconded by  Murray Pruden
* Treasurer: Kim Haynes; nominated by Steve Sukhbir and Seconded by  Ben Lemon
* Secretary: Murray Pruden nominated by Kim Haynes and Seconded by  Dave Burchill

9.  Next meeting date, time and location: 

* The next meeting was set for 15January2015 @1730 @ PSAC Regional Office
* Our next meeting we are to ask/bring one other person

10.  Agenda for next meeting: 

* Recruiting members for committees.
* Terri Flynn to research survey monkey
* Car stickers as a project  brought forward by Kim Haynes

11.  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1955

Our Organization: