Edmonton Human Rights Committee Agenda
11 February 2015
In attendance:
Murray Pruden
James Somers
Genevieve Babineau
Dave Burchell
Kim Haynes
Denise Davey
Dragana Ristivojevic
Steve Sukhbir
Oneil Carlier
1. Call to Order
- The Meeting started at 1735
2. Approval of the Agenda
- Planning for this year
- Budget
3. Review and approval of the previous meeting’s agenda
- The last minutes dated 21 January 2015 were adopted
4. Reports: None
5. Previous business
- June 5: Edmonton GLBT Pride Parade. James asked the AFL (Alberta Federation of Labour) if we can march with them in the parade. Looks like yes. Also want to have buttons to hand out for an estimated cost of $200.
- June 20: Aboriginal Day. This event was discussed as a barbeque out at Elk Island Park. Kim to get pricing on food and supplies. Genevieve mentioned that reservations for the campground begin on March 18, 2015 for those who want to stay overnight.
- “Let’s Connect” was discussed again as a possible motto for the committee.
6. New business
- The group exchanged cell phone numbers for ease of communication.
- A new idea for a campaign came about. This would be printed on bright colored paper and say something like “”Do you know where your pay cheque is coming from? For more information, contact XXX-XXXX”. Basically we would highlight the services that public servants offer and cast a positive light rather than reflect on the bad things like sick leave.
7. Actions
- Plans and Strategies for the new year going forward to be discussed further and rough budgets continue to be worked on
- Have budget items in for Kim by March 3.
- Budget due 15 march 2015
8. Round Robin
- No comments
9. Next meeting date, time and location
• The next meetings were set for 11 March 2015 @1730 @ PSAC Regional Office
10. Agenda for next meeting
- Solidify plans for focal days events
- One last look at budgets
- Alberta Federation of Labour open house 25 February 2015 from 4:30 – 7@ AFL Offices, Parkington Plaza#300, 10408 - 124 Street NW, Edmonton, AB
12. Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 1845
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