Calgary AC Mtg Minutes - Oct 7 2015

Alec Goertzen, President
Dale Marianicz, Vice President 
Phillip Chan, Treasurer
Janet Parris, Secretary
Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Sam Akinsanya, CIU 30036
Guest: Raj Hari, PSAC RO Rep

The meeting started promptly at 5:30 pm. 

Br. Goertzen presented the Agenda for review and adoption. M/S/C Marianicz/Kosteniuk

Br. Goertzen presented the April 21, 2015 minutes for review & adoption. Amendments were noted for correction. M/S/C Chan/Marianicz

PRC Calgary Area Council Representative Report:
Br. Goertzen stated since PRC has not met since February 2015, and the Sept meeting was postponed till next month. Only update to provide is that 2 conference calls were held to discuss and decide on the location for the next Prairies Convention in 2017. Although the province rotation would have seen it hosted by Alberta, a vote by consensus determined Convention will now be April/2017 in Winnipeg. REVP Hladun will be making an announcement in the future.

Treasurer Update:
Br. Chan presented a verbal report on the current financial situation of Area Council. Currently our balance sits at approx. $900. Since our last meeting we have received our allocation from REVP office in the amount of $200. This year’s allocations had consideration of any budgeted monies for planned actions/activities funded by the Regional Action Plan. Also what must be considered is the convention holdback by REVP office for CAC delegate to convention; this year’s amount is $600.
After seeking out the viability of a low service fee bank, it was decided to remain at BMO at this time who only charge $2.50 monthly fee.

Old Business: 
Day of Mourning: April 28th had a wreath laying ceremony and memorial service attended by Br. Marianicz and Br. Hari. Another somber event of those who were injured or died at work. Raised the point about real wreath vs artificial. Will consider this at budget time.

Alberta Provincial Election:
History was made on May 5th in Alberta! The letter writing campaign to all PSAC members occurred with encouragement to vote and consider another option to the Conservative Prentice government. Thanks to all CAC and PSAC members in Alberta for their support.

The event went ahead rain or shine on June 14.  The venue was great, our friends at M&M Meats had lots of food for everyone that attended. A few things learned in organizing for future. A big thanks to everyone who helped with the organizing to the event’s success – Sis. Kosteniuk (RWC), Br. Akinsanya and Br. Hunt (HRC), Br. Chan and Br. Hari. All costs ended up being covered by the RAP budget.

Another annual event that was a success for the volunteer’s at the booth, and all the members who helped out with the hosting of the Citizenship Ceremony by CIC. We shared the booth with PIPS members this year which was a great fit, enjoyed their time with us. In addition, a special thank you to Sis. Victoria Norris and Sis. Deb Kosteniuk for participating in our sponsored Human Rights forum. 
A discussion about our participation particularly with the election being called too early and our restriction under the Elections Act, as well as going forward in future with this event (booth, volunteers, ceremony).
Note: Sis. Norris was 1 of 3 panelists speaking on the theme of Cultural Healing: Reconnecting with Lost Heritage.  A link to Sis. Norris presentation is found Youtube:
The presentation is fantastic, and Sis. Norris can be found about 35min into 1hr 18min video.

Labour Day Barbecue:
An annual event that saw our presence with other unions to host a BBQ for the public. Our booth had great presence and attendance, particularly when we served cake. Our discussion with the public of who we are, and providing giveaways was a great hit. This is definitely an event that fits in our purpose in this city.

New Business:
Federal Election – we are down to our last 12 days before we vote. There have not been targeting ridings identified in Calgary so there has been no activity. Br. Hari stated he got word only today that possibly the riding of Confederation has been identified. If any more news or action plan has been identified he will forward to the CAC. If we do have to look at providing support or plan we must recognize there is not much time until the 19th.

Canadian Labour International Film Festival – this is an activity identified during our planning session in January 2015. It anticipated to host a screening event with members to view, discuss, and raise awareness to some of the same things others may be going through. 
Br. Goertzen will proceed with making arrangements for the videos, including equipment. Due to limited opportunities for space and with the timing, it was agreed the screening date decided on Saturday, November 21 to be held at RO Boardroom. Refreshments to be arranged by Br. Chan. 
The CLIFF is volunteer organization offering short videos about workers and the conditions under which they live, work, fight and succeed in their daily lives. CLIFF partner with organizations friendly to those who do work, those who represent workers, and those who advocate on the behalf of workers. CLIFF provides the videos, we provide the screening date/location.

Volunteer Appreciation – in 2015 we hosted our first appreciation celebration with success, so we are doing it again. It was decided on November 21 at 7pm. Invites will go to all our volunteers who help out in some small or big way with our events this year.

Round Table:
Steward Recognition – Br. Hari advised that the RO will be hosting a steward’s day event coming in December. No confirmed details at this time but all organizing is being done by the RO and Judy Shannon.
Education – Br. Hari raised the awareness of upcoming education sessions coming in Oct/Nov. Please see the PSAC Prairies website (Education) for course details and registration
UDP – Br. Goertzen pointed out that UDP Program for 2016 is taking registrations. Deadline is Oct 16

Meeting adjourned at 19:00 hours.

Next meeting December 2 or 9 @ 5:30 p.m. and will be posted to the website.

Our Organization: