Edmonton Human Rights Committee Minutes
24 November 2015
In attendance: Murray Pruden via teleconference , James Somers , Dragana Ristivojevic, Carm Chan via teleconference, Genevieve Babineau, Kim Hynes
1.Call to Order
- The Meeting called to order at 1735
2.Approval of the Agenda:
-Remembrance Day wrap up
-year end report review
3.Review and approval of the previous meeting’s agenda
-The last minutes dated were adopted
4.Reports: 4 reports and financials were presented.
5.Previous business:
-Financials: The final numbers for NAD were completed.
- Remembrance Day wreath and ceremony
6.New business:
- none
-Genevieve and James to order food for the AGM on December 10
8.Round Robin: Everyone is excited for the upcoming election and looking forward to start planning the next year.
9.Next meeting date, time and location:
- The next meeting was set for December 10 2015 @1730 @ PSAC Regional Office
10.Agenda for next meeting - TBA
- The meeting was adjourned at 18:15