Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes - Mar 4 2015

Public service Alliance of Canada

Edmonton Regional Women’s Committee

General Meeting

March 4, 2015 PSAC Edmonton Regional Office

In attendance:

  • Sabrina Bedard Denise Davey Marija Babic
  • Kim Haynes Dragana Ristivojevic Carm Chan
  • Carisa David Deb Basaraba Bhupinder Johal

1. Call to order:   Carisa David at 5:33 PM

2. Adoption of Agenda:

-Kim proposed that the budget go before the planning session, rebuttal from Carm Chan as you need to know what is being done for the year before you can attach monies to it.

Discussions on this and the consensus are to visit the budget and the planning session together so the agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Adoption of previous minutes:

-Spelling errors picked up for Cathy Thomas as her name was spelled throughout with a K instead of a C.  Corrections made and the minutes were adopted.

4. Planning session/Budget:

-Out of pocket expenses put into budget (parking not meals) increased to $150.00

-Collect money for tools for school from the locals 

-agreed to put gardens in at 2 schools in the inner city to avoid burnout, more next year if it’s successful

-asking PSAC for money in the budget for political action to buys t-shirts

-will but tools needed for the gardening project including watering cans for the children to water the gardens and we will have the PSAC stickers on them.

-Denise to take the head on gardens, Sabrina to assist.  Sabrina offered the seedlings she is going to start at her house.

-we will ask green houses for assistance with seeds and we put in the budget for soil\-possibly garden aquarium in the school for herbs or smaller plants like tomatoes.

-Kim to head tools for schools

-Carissa will do a letter for Kim to take with her to solicit to the locals for monies for this project.

-Kim will call Marissa from the base – if members are in travel status she will ask them to collect shampoo/conditioner, cream etc. from the hotels

-Dragana to head the socks, mittens and toques for the women’s shelters.

-Carissa will get her a letter also for soliciting companies and also we are to ask the locals to do a drive to bring these items for donation.

-Aboriginal Women’s conference: May 25-27 at River Cree

-EAC: 19-20 June

-Remembrance Day wreath lying November 11, 2015

-AFL Brunch: All names go in for every meeting and 4-5 names will be drawn to attend, we purchase tickets.

-Need to arrange speakers on Child care, human trafficking and domestic violence.

-Carissa to head the inspirational speakers on child care and human trafficking

Financial statement: motioned to accept budget as presented, all in favor, motion accepted

-motioned by Kim 

-2nd by Dragana 

New Business

-IWD: Carissa sent out letter

-Question presented: Is anyone being sent to the legislator?  Answer NO

Round Table

Carm: Kitchen Table Campaign on child care, are we doing anything?

-there were discussions on this coming out of a different budget.

Brunch at Library for the speaker, one lady that we may be able to get information from is Andrea Cote

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM

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