Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes - Sep 30 2015

Suite 670, 10665 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, AB T5J 3S9
30 September 2015
In attendance:  Dragana Ristivojevich, Deb Basarab
Regrets:  Denis  Davey, Kim Haynes
Note Taker:  Carisa David, Louis Mardell
1. Call to Order: Meeting started at 5:35 PM
2. Approval of the Agenda:
3. Review and approval of the previous meeting’s agenda   
The minutes were reviewed and grammatical corrections for spelling and omissions were made, minutes were adopted as amended. 
4. Reports: 
President : Report was presented. Report attached.
Treasurer : deferred to next meeting.
5. Previous business: Discussed
6. New business:
a) Dragana: will take the lead for the Socks and Hats for the Women’s Shelter. Details to follow.
b) Deb: - October is a month to remember Women.
- Proposed: Oct. 17 Event: “Tea Party” Time: 14:00 -17:00, location TBA
- Purpose: informal discussion about Women’s Issues.
- Target audience: PSAC members
c) Kitchen Table: Child care speaker- discussed
d) Educational: Perry Garvin offered to do Educational on “ Recognizing situation when someone is in an abusive situation”.
Proposed Date: November 25, 2015 Time: 5:15PM Canada PLace
e) Wreath for Remembrance Day.-Discussed
7. Next meeting dates: 
October 14, 2015
November 12, 2015
8. Adjournment: 8:30PM
Tools for School.
Recipient for the Tools for School Project was Mother Teresa. A wish list and the number of backpacks needed was provided by the school. The materials were purchased and delivered to the school.
The school contact made it clear that the parents of the recipient pupils were adamant that the backpacks were to be given discreetly.
No presentation was made as a result of the request.
Path of Light
Women’s Committee Members supported the event.
Our Organization: