Calgary AC AGM Mtg Minutes - Feb 16 2016


Alec Goertzen, President
Dale Marianicz, Vice President
Phillip Chan, Treasurer
Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Stephen Hardie, CEIU 30856


Raj Hari, RO Rep

The meeting started promptly at 5:45 pm.


Br. Goertzen presented the Agenda for review and adoption. M/S/C Marianicz/Chan

December Minutes

Br. Goertzen presented the December 9th minutes for review and adoption. M/S/C Chan/Marianicz


Br. Goertzen presented written report on his position as President for 2015 year. and noted some highlights over this period.  A hard copy is available. M/S/C Goertzen/Chan

Br. Marianicz presented a written report for his position as Vice President for the 2015 year and notes some highlights for this period. A hard copy is available. M/S/C Marianicz/Kosteniuk

Br. Chan presented CAC’s Financial Statement for January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015.

The Financial audit took place on Feb 11 and was submitted to the REVP office on Feb 15 (with exception of the 2016 Budget). Br. Goertzen sent an email to request acknowledgement with completion of Appendix C from REVPs office. M/S/C: Chan/Marianciz

Opening Balance – January 1, 2015       $1,553.73
Closing Balance – December 31, 2015   $  640.96

PRC Report and Update

Br. Goertzen could not give a PRC report as no meetings have occurred since Nov/2015. There is a PRC meeting Feb 19-21, but Br. Goertzen had sent his regrets to attend.

Old Business

National AC Conference call

As per PSAC 2012 Convention Resolution GEN-108, there was an Area Councils' Conference Call held on Thursday, December 10, hosted my President Benson.  This was the first call since the resolution passed in 2012. The primary purpose was to discuss the Constitution as it applied to Area Councils political action mandate, as well as the election of delegate/s to National Convention. Another call is planned for March 2016.

New Business

2016 Budget

Br. Chan presented the proposed budget for 2016.  A number of events were discussed and proposed expenses.  As it was noted that HRC and RWC will likely not be participating with GlobalFest organizing in 2016, the AC will find it difficult to handle alone and so will not make funding request this year.  Budget request for 2016 will be $4,134.04. M/S/C Chan/Kosteniuk

Lobbying Campaign

Br. Hari presented the details of the campaign.

The PSAC Alliance Executive Committee has approved a lobbying initiative to establish a connection with new MP's, reconnect with returning MP's, and to start putting our issues forward with this new government. We are asking the Liberals to reinvest in federal public services starting with the 2016 federal budget and to repeal the sections of Bill C-4 (2013) that restrict collective bargaining rights and put the health and safety of our members at risk.  We are asking opposition MP's to support these objectives. PSAC would like Lobby Teams made up of members from the MP's ridings to visit their respective MP's during the weeks when the House of Commons is not in session - from February 6th to February 15th and from February 27th to March 6th, 2016. We will be providing training and support for those interested in being on the Lobby Teams.  Due to the time constraints as well as the number of Conservative riding still in Calgary area, its been decided that we can at minimum visit the two Liberal MP's in Calgary Centre - Kent Hehr and Darshan Kang in Calgary Skyview. 

Sis. Kosteniuk commented her MP is Kent Hehr and would be interested in calling members in the riding to lead a team; Br Goertzen agreed to call members in Skyview riding.


No proposed changes at this time. After some discussion, a proposal for changes will have to adhere to the posting notice requirements according to By-Law 12.


Adhering to By-Law 6 subsection 13, the positions up for re-election for the next 2 year term are President and Secretary. Br. Hari ran the election process.

President – Alec Goertzen was nominated by Br. Marianicz and seconded by Sis. Kosteniuk

There were no other nominations. 

Br. Goertzen accepted the nomination. 

Br. Goertzen as acclaimed.  Congratulations Br. Goertzen.

Secretary – No nominations were received.

The position will be vacant until a nomination is received. To review again at next meeting.

Meeting adjourned 7:35 pm.

Next meeting will be the AGM and in April 2016.


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