RAPC Mtg Minutes - Sep 2015

Meeting was held at the Prince Albert Indian and Metis Friendship Centre

Present : Eloise Fineday (sec) Trudy Lerat (tres) David Beeds (chair)

Meeting was called to order: 5:10 pm
Only agenda accepted was to discuss whether to continue with RAPC as there seemed to be no interest as other members were quitting or just refused to be part of RAPC any longer
Reviewing of Previous Minutes-N/A
Business arising from Minutes- N/A
Executive Reports were not presented
Project updates-N/A

Members present were unsure to proceed as per quorum.....meeting called to order @ 5:10.....agenda accepted....only item to be discussed was whether to continue with RAPC as there seemed to be no interest as other members were quitting or just refused to be part of RAPC any longer... Present members decided to remain involved and attempt to work on generating ideas for a viable work plan(s)

Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm

These minutes were provided to the Saskatoon Admin March 2016

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