Winnipeg RWC Mtg Minutes - Sep 8 2015

PSAC WINNIPEG REGIONAL WOMEN'S COMMITTEE MEETING                                                                                              
Tuesday 08 September 2015 at 5:15                                                                                                                                                                
PSAC Regional Office 460-175 Hargrave Street

ln Attendance: Gloria Kelly-UNDE, Mona Simcoe-UNDE, Lorelei Topnik-USGE, Nicole Papineau-UNDE, Valerie  Denesiuk,  retiree, Tracy Thor-PSAC Staff

Call to Order and introduction at 5:30pm

PSAC statement on Harassment read by Gloria Kelly identifying anti-harassment resource person as Mona Simcoe agreed to by all.

Adoption of Minutes from May 2015 -Waiting for a completed attendance list

Treasurer's Report -Dawn MacAulay has resigned from this position -Lorelei Topnik has been elected as the new treasurer for the Women's committee till February's AGM. -Signing authorities for this account are now Gloria Kelly, Darlene MacLure, and Lorelei Topnik.

Previous Business -Report on work from regional team reference federal election -one day training courses for federal election held -phone banks are being done -PSAC all candidates meeting for Elmwood/Transcona – mail out for Sept 1-4 will include printed newsletter/individual letters -workshops on political conversations

New Business -Activities for Fall and coming year -please bring your ideas and plans for the coming year to November's meeting -budget and planning for the 2Ot6 year is February's meeting. -Seasonal Celebration December meeting is sponsored by the Human Rights Committee this year. -Upcoming voter registration forum -initially a women's forum was planned but that has been denied -we are now doing a voter registration activity -working with North End women's resource center for this activity -MFL Workshop on September 11 -four members are going to the one day workshop -Barb Byers National VP of Canadian Labor Congress will be speaking.

Correspondence -Vote Child Care 2015 -info provided and went out through the PSAC network

Next meeting will be 10 November as we will not meet in October due to federal election activities taking place.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 followed by dessert, door prize draw and social time.

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