Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Feb 9 2015

In Attendance:

Deb Kosteniuk
Hazel Buchanan
Dolly Ablitt
Tabassom Javadi
Siobhan Hutchinson

1. Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.

  • Agenda adopted by consensus
  • Report from Hazel (Financial Statements)
  • There was no bank balance at the start of the year
  • Overall finances for committee are in good shape (our balance was forwarded, then a top up was received, boosting finances; budget request put forward to PSAC was successful; and we had significant funds left over in 'Loss of Salary.'
  • No funds were given to Take Back the Night (due to lack of receipt for donation), so additional funds were donated to Awotaan instead, for their Sisters in Spirit Vigil.
  • Bank charges were quite high (mostly for cheques), however this cost is not likely to be so high in the near future for the committee.
  • Dolly stated that she would follow up with Andre Cote about reimbursement for the

2. December 6th event

  • Report from Deb
  • Highlighted events from previous year (Globalfest was a success, as was the December 6th event for the day of Remembrance)
  • Group discussed Take Back the Night; a Facebook post on the TBTN page stated that the previous organizers have stepped aside, however it is uncertain how the event and organizers will proceed this year. Paying for direct costs (such as posters, permits or maybe promotional supplies) deemed a possibility, but even if no money if given, physical support would be a good idea.
  • Overall a great year and start for the committee.
  • Report from Secretary
  • None forthcoming
  • Emma Bertamini has stepped down as Secretary due to conflicting schedule with other union activities
  • Proposed budget for 2015
  • Deb: Letter received from Prairie Regional Office stating that focus this year will be on the mobilization of members. Because of this, the way that funds are distributed will change.
  • Dolly: We must remember PSAC 3 priorities (Collective Agreements, Public Services and Defeating the Government)
  • This committee is essential to these as we benefit the PSAC's image and help in the community.
  • We will have to review our proposed events and see where money will be allocated from (as it won't all have to come from our budget)
  • Deb: The more we ask for, the more can be done and the better it is for the committee.
  • Women's Memorial March, we are too late to join, however individual participation is encouraged.
  • Dolly: IWD event – usually potluck style
  • A cooking night may be a good idea, but keep in mind keeping the food warm may be an
  • issue.
  • If you are able to borrow a small table top oven, that would help.
  • Dolly and Siobhan voted for Deb to make 600 perogies.
  • Logistically, it may be easier for the committee to donate trays of prepared food, and that way there will be left overs others can take home.
  • Tabassom stated that she would personally provide a home cooked turkey for the event.
  • Deb: Gift cards will be among the prizes (for grocery stores, Subway, Tim's, etc.)
  • Tabassom: Will look into discounted movie tickets (good for a night out for those who may not be able to afford the luxury)
  • Ayanna: AUPE also has discounted tickets
  • Deb stated that she would look into AUPE for discounts
  • Dolly: Will we do the questions again this year for the wheel of prizes?
  • Everyone agreed yes. Siobhan will look up 12 (will include PSAC priorities, cuts to services, time lines for things like IE, tax refunds, etc.). Will be sent to the committee by February 20th.
  • Dolly: Will also pick up some big prizes/baskets.
  • Deb: Beautiful Beginnings Baskets still on the table. They are expensive, but definitely
  • worth it.
  • The Scotiabank Marathon was a success last year and lots of money was raised... But not sure if it is a good idea for the committee this year.
  • Sisters in Spirit – another great event. Things like set up, post cards and posters are all doable for the committee.
  • Dolly: Globalfest (which is a joint initiative among the three Calgary PSAC committees) has a fee this year of $2500.00 (just our portion, we split with 2 other unions). We need to be aware of this cost in case social justice fund doesn't pay the fee.
  • Despite the high cost, the event may be worth it. The fee is for the whole 10 day event and there is significant exposure for PSAC.
  • Deb: Both Afrikadey and National Aboriginal Day are headed by the Human's Rights Committee, so no funds allocated from Women's Committee.
  • Deb: CLiFF, the Labour Film Festival, is a possibility for this year. Funds would mostly be needed to rent a theater.
  • Over all our 2015 budget proposal looked good, but some minor adjustment needed.

3. Elections

  • Hazel is stepping down from Treasurer position; Deb re-offering for Chair; Tabassom offering for Treasurer; Siobhan offering for Secretary
  • Vote for Chair: Tabassom nominated Deb, motion seconded by Hazel. (No other ones, position awarded by acclaim.)
  • Vote for Treasurer: Hazel nominated Tabassom, motion seconded by Ayanna. (No other ones, position awarded by acclaim.)
  • Vote for Secretary: Deb nominated Siobhan, motion seconded by Tabassom. (No other ones, position awarded by acclaim.)

4. Minutes needed ASAP for change of signatures at the bank

Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm

Next meeting scheduled for March 2nd, 2015 (5:30 pm)

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