Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Apr 13 2015

In Attendance:

Deb Kosteniuk – UTE 30024
Siobhan Hutchinson – UTE 30024
Kate Hart
Tabassom Javadi
Jennifer Jurca
Sonia Riyeralla – UTE 30024

Staff Support:
Marianne Hladun – REVP
Dolly Ablitt – Regional Representative

1. Meeting called to order at 6:25pm
2. Old business: The International Women's Day potluck at the Kerby Center was a success. Over 200 people attended; Brenda Crompton from the Brenda Stratford Society did a great speech; the PSAC 'wheel of fortune' was a definite hit, but for next year hours will be posted for people to see, so that there is are no lines/disruptions during speeches; and instead of tickets for spins on the wheel, hands will be stamped to ensure one person only spins once.
3. New business: The Beautiful Beginnings Baskets (BBB) for women/families starting out after leaving places like women's shelters, Awotaan, or the healing lodge. Mother's Day was
discussed as a possible date, but was ruled out as it was too close for anything decent to be organized. Canada day also mentioned, however as we get into summer and holidays less people will be in offices, there will be less meetings and we will be less likely to get many donations. The date suggested and decided on is NATIONAL PUBLIC SERVICE WEEK (June 15 to 19).

  • The BBB will be priced at three different levels (25ish, 50ish and 75ish). Baskets include things like baking/kitchen supplies, bath goods, cleaning things for the home
  • and even some small toys/items for children. We will be asking Locals to donate either physical goods, cash or gift cards. Most things will be purchased at Superstore, as it is Canadian, unionized, affordable and often has good coupons/sales (allowing our dollar to stretch farther.) Notices will be sent to Locals one month before NPSW, two weeks before, one week before and finally one day before events start. A small booth may be set up in the Atrium of the Harry Hays building for donation collections in case
  • individuals want to drop items off. 
  • Discussion on possibly buying movie tickets to put in some baskets – deemed a better option than a DVD/Blue-ray since those are luxuries women may not have right after starting out. Movie tickets were ruled out as the number to put into a basket would be hard to determine (what if there were 4 family members, but only 3 tickets?).
  • Siobhan will take the lead on project, and will have possible posters sent to Dolly for review/feedback.
  • Goal is set at about one basket per local to be donated (about 20). 
  • A day will be set by the RWC for available committee members to get together and assemble the baskets; a potluck may ensue.

4. New Business: Although movie tickets were ruled out for the BBBs, discussion was held about whether to they should be purchased in advance for Globalfest. Tickets at a discount are around $8.00, where they are generally about $14.00. Sonia made motion for 10 tickets to be purchased (two to be given away each night of Globalfest). Motion seconded by Jennifer; all members voted in favour.
5. New business: Tabassom has volunteered to be team captain for the Scotiabank Marathon on May 31st. This includes registering the team (so that others can sign up on line and collect donations) as well as leading team during event.
6. REVP Marianne Hladun spoke to RWC. Advised that although budget requests have not yet been approved, they should be soon; however no issues were noted when she reviewed RWC proposed budget. She reminded the group that the Area Councils are political arms, and we can work with others for actions (especially women's issues). The National Equity and Women's conventions are to be held (hopefully) in March 2016. This will be a change from the norm as these will be held after the National Convention, whereas they are usually held before (especially important for resolutions).

  • Later on in May 2015 there will be a National Day of Action for Childcare.
  • There will likely be room in the Regional budget for a workshop – a one day event where a speaker might be brought in. This would also be a good opportunity to recruit members from locals who are on the fence about joining the committee and coming to meeting. There will need to be a separate proposal to the Prairie Regional Council representative (probably around $1500.00 to $2000.00). It was even mentioned that it could be planned as a kind of retreat.
  • This is a key time for us to get involved as women and to bring women's issues to the front of the current election campaigns. We can't wait for other Area Councils or focus solely on charity; we have to get political. It is time for us to take out place.
  • One simple thing we all need to make sure we do is say that we are proud of the work we do; tell Canadians any chance you get that you work hard, that your coworkers do too, and that you work hard everyday to serve Canada. In a way we should also tell our members that it is a good thing that bargaining is taking so long – it means that the bargaining teams are not giving in.

7. Roundtable: We must remember to 'vote childcare' and 'vote for women'. All present made pledge to learn who their MLAs are and to write letters about the important women in the community. There is lots of information and material available to us in the PSAC office
8. Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
9. Next meeting to be held May 11, 2015 at 5:30 pm.

Recorder: Siobhan Hutchinson, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024 Youth Representative

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