Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes - Feb 16 2016

PSAC Edmonton Regional Women’s Committee
Annual Planning Session
February 16, 2016

In Attendance:
Marija Babic A/Regional PSAC Rep
Carm Chan Regional PSAC Rep
Darlene Lewis
Norelys Martinez 30703
Charmaine Nelson 30851
Dragana Ristivojevic UTE Local 30025
Deb Basaraba CEIU Local 30851
Denise Davey
Kim Haynes
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Charmaine @ 5:30.

Review of Last Year’s Events:
Last year the Edmonton Women’s Committee was successful in completing the following events: Spring Garden Fest for a local low income school; Tools for School; collection of hats and socks; the Laying of the Wreath at Remembrance Day at the Butterdome; a speaker was brought in to discuss violence in the workplace and the AFL Brunch on December 06. We also participated with the Edmonton Human Rights Committee in the GLBT parade and with the Path of Light; and with the Edmonton Area Council where they held a candidates forum prior to the elections which the public in the community was invited to listen to all candidates.

Financial: Carm provided a copy of our last bank statement showing the Committee having $1,782.15 remaining in our account.

New Business:
Carm had voiced that we as a committee need to make the two following events as a priority: March 08 – International Women’s Day and December 06 – Violence Against Women.
Darlene mentioned that the past four or five years ago, there was a walk on Whyte Avenue and after the walk there were guest speakers and a light lunch. She believes that this year they will be doing something else other than a walk.
Two years ago we gave out cupcakes. Both Darlene and Carm will be looking into seeing what the AFL will be planning for this day. Carm will be calling AFL to see if there are planning a rally.
PSAC will be developing an information brochure listing the different issues that women are facing. Once we get them, we will be giving them to the Locals for distribution.
Carm will also be checking with Nancy Johnson whether she wants a letter and if it is ready to be sent out.

The events that we agreed that we would be participating in are the following:

March 08 Walk:
At 4:30 we will meet at the Clock Tower outside of Canada Place and walk to Sacred Heart Church where the event starts at 5 pm. There is no expense to the Women’s committee.

March 23 & March 25 – Political Action:
We will receive 1 ½ hours of training on how to talk to our MP so we can choose which night is convenient for us to register. Lobbying teams need to be set up. PSAC’s goal is to have lobbying teams for 18 ridings. This training will be offered at the PSAC office. There will be no expense to us as PRC has a budget for this.

May – Child Care - (Tools for School)
Donations to be rallied and collected by us from the Area Locals to help fund Tools for School. Budgeting $1000.00 for this event.

May – Community Gardening:
Planning two gardens for two inner schools. Carm will be asking Denise if she wants to take the lead for this project. Budgeting 1600.00 for this event.

September 14 Violence Against Women:
This will be an evening event where a 60-minute video will be shown at the PSAC office. Charmaine will take the lead. Budgeting 300.00 for this event.

December 04, 2016 – AFL Brunch:
A brunch is held annually by the AFL in order to remember the women that were murdered in PolyTech University. We will be choosing 4 names to attend. In order to be considered, each time a sister attends a meeting with the Regional Woman’s committee that’s how many times their names will be put in a hat and 4 names will be drawn. If your name is pulled and they are unable to attend, they must notify the next sister on the list ASAP. Budgeting for 4 sisters to attend is $400.00

December 06, 2016 – Violence Against Women:
We could hold a vigil at Churchill Square with a display of laminated pictures of murdered women along with a set of candles on a purple tablecloth. Also, we could make and provide each component a compiled kit with the following: framed pictures of each murdered woman; one candle, a silk rose along with a purple tablecloth in order for them to display this at their own workplace.

Food Drive to Donate at the Food Bank:
Carm contacted the Food Bank and Spring is when they need the supplies. The Food Bank sent out the most needed items which are the following: Beans with or without pork; canned fish or meat; baby formula; peanut butter; soup; canned fruit or vegetables; pasta & pasta sauce; juice boxes and school snacks. The Food Bank also accept monetary donations as well. Their website is www.edmontonsfoodbank.com. Budgeting $500.00 for this event.

Carm reminded us that each one of us should be researching as to how we could volunteer in our community individually or as a group. In this way there would be no cost to the committee only our volunteer time.
No follow up meeting was set up.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Our Organization: