Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Mar 2 2016


Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Tabassom Javadi, UNE
Victoria Norris, UTE 30024
Allison Tse, UTE 30024
Kirsten Strachey, UTE 30024

Staff Support:

Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative

1. The meeting was called to order at 5: 45 PM

2. The agenda was adopted without any amendments.

3. New Business

  • International Women’s day- March 8, 2016
    • This year the IWD celebration will take place at the Women’s Centre of Calgary. The theme is Oppression to Opportunity.
    • Budget discussion- There is approximately $700 for this event.
    • Motion made by Vicki, seconded by Allison to donate $300 on smaller denomination gift cards.
    • Motion made by Kirsten, seconded by Vicki to pay artist $75 for mural.
    • Motion made by Allison, seconded by Tabassom for $50 misc. expense
    • ​Motion made by Kirsten, seconded by Tabassom for $50 for personal items for Women’s Shelter in Red Deer. Kirsten to provide photo of purses.
  • ​Regional women’s conference to be held in Winnipeg in June 10-12, 2016.
    • Steering committee to be struck to plan convention.   Nancy Johnson ( was planning but is now working with PSAC, it is now Gloria Kelly out of Winnipeg. Vicki had been asked to speak regarding Aboriginal women’s issues.   Dolly to verify if she will still be speaking.
    • Allowed to send delegates.  Delegate are picked by application, have to have attended at least 2 meetings. It is important to be engaged in the topics, Domestic Violence in the Workplace and National Childcare.
    • This committee will need to work on resolutions, to bring to conference.

4. Campaigns-Domestic Violence & National Childcare​

  • Remains the focus of PSAC, looking to talk about, promote and be involved with.  Dolly has a 2 hr domestic violence in the workplace course.   These are the main mandates from last national conference. 
  • New movement to see childcare as a family problem not just a women’s issue.  Would be great to lobby MP to get them to open their eyes towards this problem. 

5. Reports- RWC has been quiet.  Participated in IWD

  • Tabassom – Treasurer Report -Dec 31, 2015 Balance $2010

6. Recruitment – how to get more women out to meetings.  Calgary has about 20 component locals.  Ideas-hand written invitations, poster introducing members, and announcing AGM.

7. Motion to put forward to have Kirsten act as secretary until AGM.  Unanimously carried.

8. Vari (round table) Vicky June 25, New Indian Village Human Rights Committee-request for the wheel.  Deb volunteered to write up questions IWD.

  • What are the plans for the Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women (Feb 24)?  PSAC usually donates sound system.

9. Next meeting and AGM

Things that this committee is involved in: IWD, Beautiful Beginnings Baskets, Calgary Marathon, Take back the night, Canadian Federal of Labour BBQ, GlobalFest, Sisters in Spirit-Nov

Recommended day for AGM - Tuesday April 5. AGM items, elections and 2016-2017 budget.

Executive to work on proposed budget to present at AGM.  (include item for travel)

Budget would have to be done by March 15.  Chair, treasurer, secretary to meet. Next meeting March 14, 2016 5:30 - approval of previous minutes, approval of budget, and ratify audited financial.

Committee could do a 1 day retreat in May.

An invite will go out to all PSAC components, inviting interested members to the AGM - Deb

Meeting adjourned 7:09

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