Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Apr 4 2016

In Attendance:

Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Tabassom Javadi-Doudarani, UNE 30040
Ayanna Ay, CEIU 30856
Kirsten Strachey, UTE 30024
Allison Tse, UTE 30024
Valda Behrens, USGE 30009

Staff Support:

Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative


Vicky Norris

1. The Meeting called to order at 6:07 p.m.

  • The Agenda was adopted without any amendments.
  • Minutes from previous meetings (March 2, March 14) were tabled until next meeting

2. Reports from Executive

President - 2015 very quiet year for RWC.  Participated in IWD, Globalfest, Labour Day BBQ and Cliff-in conjunction with Area Council.
Looking forward to participating in Campaign for National Childcare Program, Take back the Night, Sisters in Spirit, and National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in 2016

Finance- Annual Financial Statements presented as well as 2016 operating budget.

3. Election of Officers

President - 1 nomination was put forward, Deb Kosteniuk nominated and accepted.  No further nominations were received. Dolly Ablitt declared Deb Kosteniuk elected.
Treasurer - 1 nomination was put forward, Tabassom Javadi nominated and accepted. Dolly Ablitt declared Tabassom Javadi elected.
Secretary - 1 nomination was put forward, Kirsten Strachey nominated and accepted.  Dolly Ablitt declared Kirsten Strachey elected.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.  

Next meeting to be held May 2, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. 

Recorder: Kirsten Strachey, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024


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