Winnipeg RWC Mtg Minutes - Apr 12 2016

PSAC Regional Women's Committee Meeting
Tuesday 12 April 2016
PSAC Regional Office
460-175 Hargrave Street


In Attendance: Gloria Kelly, Lorelei Topnik, Darlene McClure, Mona Simcoe, Tania Lachance, Nicole Papineau, Denise Garand, Rhonda Alsop, Stephanie Primrose, Yvonne Hein, Valerie Denesiuk.

Regrets: Anna Goldfeld


1)Introductions and Call to Order at 5:25pm

PSAC statement on Harassment read by Mona Simcoe identifying anti-harassment resource person as Mona Simcoe agreed to by all.

2)Adoption of Agenda

Motion to adopt agenda as circulated.                                   Darlene McClure/Lorelei Topnik

3)Adoption of minutes

Motion to adopt minutes as circulated November 2015        Darlene McClure/Lorelei Topnik

Motion to adopt minutes as circulated March 2016               Darlene McClure/Lorelei Topnik

4)Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's report not available

Report of Progress                                                                  Darlene McClure/Tania Lachance

Sister Gloria Kelly gave a report on the Finance Committee

-Met and went through all Budgets

-women's committee special projects fund

-child care fund re project with child care submit to Andre Cote business case

-prairie union school Wasakoo funds

5) Previous Business:

International Women's Day

-230 tickets plus waiting list so great success

-$1800 silent auction (1/2 project to inner city playground/1/2 undecided at this time)

-women's memorial - dessert social for unveiling

-Dec 6 day of mourning - poinsettia/sway raises money

-funds raised to be used to support community based projects

6) New Business:

Regional Women's Conference June 11-12 Winnipeg

-Deadline to apply is finished

-Wish is that if applied then all should attend if spots available

-sign up for PSAC web site newsletter to receive all information

-conference will look at resolutions that want to be put through to the Regional Women's Committee

-May Women's Committee meeting will look at resolutions

-Locals will be asked to move these resolutions forward at their levels

-Darlene and Gloria are on the Steering Committee

-Anna Pazdzierski Nova House will be asked to be keynote speaker at conference

7) Potential Partnerships with Child Care Coalition of Manitoba

-Monica and Gloria attended AGM for Child Care coalition

-money to flow from Status of Women Canada once again

-Gloria to talk to Coalition to see if there is something we can lobby and advocacy work

8) Social Justice Fund

-Area Council has $2100 in Social Justice fund not being used

-a proposal would need to be put together for funding

-looking for suggestions on Social Justice fund

9) Kent Road School

-we continue to donate to Kent Roads School breakfast program so they can do breakfast program 5 days week instead of 2 days

10)Thank you Letter

-Thank you letter from Nova House in regard to the toiletries that were donated.

11)Next Meeting May 10

Meeting adjourned by Darlene McClure

Desserts/Door Prizes thank you to Sister Gloria Kelly  

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