Edmonton HRC Mtg Minutes - Apr 26 2016

In attendance:
James Somers
Cathy McLellan
Dave Burchell
Keegan Gibson
Dragana Ristivojevic
Mildred Ncube
Kim Haynes (later)

Regrets: Genevieve Babineau, Sadiq Huda

1. Call to Order
• The Meeting called to order at 1745

2. Approval of the Agenda:
NAD Event update, GLBT Pride Parade, August day, Calendars

3. Review and approval of the previous meeting’s agenda
a. The last minutes from 08 March 2016 were adopted as submitted

4. June 25, NAD Event
a. We have not heard anything from Murray concerning this event.
b. Kim will see if she can get a hold of him
i. James will also email Murray and CC Kim
c. The budget for NAD was approved.

5. GLBT Pride Event
a. No Contact from AFL
i. We will not be partnering with them if we have no contact.
ii. We will walk behind them
iii. James will figure out what float number the AFL are and we will walk with or behind them.
b. James will talk to Marianne about the swag.
c. Next year, James is thinking about doing a PSAC float, if we can get the participation.

6. Human Rights Calendar 2017
a. 3X5 size comes with no paydays or holidays listed on it.
b. For 500 calendars, the cost per is 99c each, 1000 is 89c, 2500 is 79c and 5000 is around $4000 total.
c. There is a conversion chart on the back of the calendar, and it is magnetic, so that this can be used once the year is done.
d. There is an idea to sell to the locals for $1 each as give aways
i. There was a thought that Murray might take 400, Kim 500, James 500-600, Dave, 100 for their respective locals.
ii. The idea is to mail one to each president (36 locals in Edmonton) to get an idea of how many each would like to order, if any.
e. If anyone has any ideas for artwork, create, and send to Dave, electronically.
f. This item is tabled until artwork done (after Spring events)

7. August Human Rights BBQ
a. Keegan had an idea of clothing drive
i. This would also include gift certificates for grocery stores
b. Cathy stated that this could be “Albertans helping Albertans”
i. The focus would be cash donations for the food bank.
c. Dave thinks that we should get away from donations and charge $5 a plate.
i. Instead of a BBQ, we should do a pancake breakfast.
ii. Dave stated that at Safeway, you can buy the $5 food bank bags, and that this might be a better option.

8. Round Robin:
• Our budget is in and we are getting $3280. This would augment that which is already in the bank.
• Check is in the mail.
• Keegan asked if the signing authority has been done yet. James answered no, as he and Sadiq have not been able to get together.

9. Next meeting date, time and location:

• The next meeting was left open

10. Agenda for next meeting - TBA

11. Adjournment
• The meeting was adjourned at 19.30

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