Regina Area Council
Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2016
Present: Melissa Brandt – Chair Mark Gilchrist - Vice-Chair
Dan Gunert – Treasurer Deanna Getz, L40022
Nathanial Cole, PSAC Keith Gauthier, PSAC
Regrets: Larry Skibicki, Secretary; and Satinder Bains, PRC Area Council Representative
1. The meeting commenced at 5:34 p.m.
2. The turnout for the Regina Lewvan all-candidates forum was awesome! While there were a handful of PSAC members in attendance it would have been nicer to see members out in greater numbers. There were a couple of minor glitches which we should keep in mind for future events; specifically during setup it was determined water should be on the table for the candidates. When wait staff at the Italian Club were approached to obtain some pitchers of water and glasses they were not cooperative. Also we should have identified some specific PSAC members from among those helping with the event to approach candidates with specific questions focusing on issues specifically affecting our members.
3. Several ideas for the upcoming provincial election were discussed. It was agreed to submit three proposals for budget funding to the REVP: 1) envelope stuffing; 2) SFL Own it Campaign; and, 3) Public Services Townhall.
4. Federal Election Lobby Campaign – training will be held on February 10. Talking points/material is currently under development. Members will be recruited over the course of 4 evening sessions to take place the first week of February. Deanna, Mark and Satinder all volunteered to help with recruitment. The lobby campaign will start February 27 and focus on the 6-7 constituencies in southern SK.
Next meeting dates: February 17 (election preparation); March 9 (AGM). The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.