Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes - May 18, 2016

In Attendance:
Charmaine Nelson Chair
Kim Haynes Treasurer
Dragana Ristivojevic Secretary
Nina Babcook A/Regional PSAC Rep

Regrets: Darlene Lewis Vice Chair

Meeting was called to order by Charmaine at 5:25 pm.

Introductions: All sisters introduced themselves and which component they represented.
Community Garden:
Due to the lack of volunteers and weather, it would be difficult for this committee to plant 3 or 4 gardens. We have been funded for 3 to 4 gardens. Denise will not be able to help with the planning of these gardens. It is too late for seed planting except for carrots and seed potatoes. Root crops would be preferable and plants that are at least a foot tall. We will also be requiring manure or another truckload of soil. We may need to loosen the soil before we rototill. Better quality fences should be purchased to replace the ones purchased last year. We need to “hill” the potatoes as it will increase the yield.

Last year Khulmann’s donated 2 sacks of seed potatoes and a gardening center in Sherwood Park gave the committee a 20% discount. The contact for last year’s school was Dean (Principal) & Antonella (Vice Principal). The students will break for summer at the end of July and come back in August. Last year, when the children were away for summer break, PSAC went and watered the plants. If we require composted soil, Dump Edmonton sells $5.00 a bag.
Nina will draft up a letter for donations of plants and supplies on behalf of our committee. Nina will get bigger PSAC stickers for the newly purchased watering cans. Kim will call Perry Garvin with the United Way office, to provide us with a list of schools and a contact number.
Dragana suggested that due to the lack of volunteers, she would like us to focus on taking on more of a teaching role by allowing the children to actively be involved in the planting process. If we do all the work, we have not met 100% of our objectives. Children need to take these learned skills into their adult life.

2016 Funding:
Tools for School. We currently have $1800 in our bank account for Tools for School. Letters should be sent to the Locals soliciting donations to help with this project before the summer months. PSAC office buys from Grand ‘n Toy which provides better pricing. We could also look at the Social Justice Fund. We should as volunteers wear our PSAC shirts, stuffing bags with media attention.

December 06. Have framed pictures of the murdered women along with a silk rose positioned on a tablecloth on one table. We could have those tables set up at 3 or 4 different locations. We have a budget of $1050 for this event. Darlene wants to take the lead on this project.
Hats and Mitts for the Women’s Shelter. Still to proceed with this project.
Food Bank. Along with the donation of $500, we should also be volunteering our services at the food bank. This will help us become more informed of the needs and changes in our community. We could have Edmonton Journal take pictures of the PSAC volunteers wearing the PSAC shirts which would bring a wider and positive image to all PSAC members. This could benefit our bargaining team.
PSAC Correspondence. In the past, Nina was an active sister in the Edmonton Women’s Committee. Today, she has taken on a new role as an Advisor to our committee. Nina expressed that she has a very strong desire to see this committee flourish and will support us. If we require training she will try to arrange it for us. Her goal is to attend all of the meetings. She will discuss and share information with the labour movement community affiliations (ie AFL). We are so lucky to have her.
Possible Conference in Edmonton. We could host a conference in Edmonton. We need to write up a proposal to Marianne which would include our theme, who would our speakers and the costs associated in air fare and meals, etc.
Meals are budgeted for $600. And the AGM is budgeted for $250 (pizza).
A cheque will be sent to us from Marianne. We need to send her photocopied receipts for Tools for School (amt of $942.06); photocopied 2 receipts for the toques and socks (amt of $537.22). There was also a deposit of $839 was deposited in 2014 – which is unknown as to why.

Round Table:
Charmaine will forward an E-Mail to Marianne for T-shirts and also include Ben & James.
Next meeting May 31, 2016 at 5:30 pm

Our Organization: