Edmonton Area Council Meeting - August 23, 2016

**Agenda Amended August 15, 2016**

The Edmonton Area Council would like to invite all PSAC members to join them at their next meeting on Wednesday, August 23th, 2016 @ 5:30 p.m. at the Edmonton Regional Office (10665 Jasper Avenue, Suite 670)

If you would like to submit agenda items, please send an email to Ben Lemon at: prc.ben.lemon@gmail.com

Out of town member are invited to participate by teleconference. Please contact the Edmonton Regional Office 1-800-814-3948 to register.

The Agenda is as follows:

Approval of last meeting minutes
Adoption of Agenda
Added to the agenda:
*Labour Day Volunteers
*Planning for the Solidarity Brunch on October 1, 2016.
New Business
Round Table
Should you require any further information or have agenda items to add, please do not hesitate to contact Ben Lemon at: prc.ben.lemon@gmail.com or Edmonton Regional Office at 780 423 1290 or toll free @: 1 800 814 3948.

In Solidarity,

Ben Lemon, Vice - President

Murray Pruden, Secretary

Kim Haynes, Treasurer

Our Organization: