Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes - Jan 26 2016

26 JANUARY 2016
In Attendance:
Dragana Ristivojevic Vice Chair
Denise Davey Secretary
Kim Haynes Treasurer
Charmaine Nelson Member
Darlene Lewis Member
Carm Chan PSAC Regional Rep

Chair of RWC:
Dragana nominated Charmaine; 2nd by Denise
No other nominations and Charmaine agreed to accept the Chair

Vice Chair of RWC:
Denise nominated Darlene; 2nd by Kim
No other nominations and Darlene agreed to accept the Vice Chair

Kim nominated Denise & she declines
Denise nominated Dragana; 2nd by Charmaine
No other nominations and Dragana agreed to accept the position as RWC Secretary.
Denise nominated Kim; 2nd by Dragana
No other nominations and Kim agreed to accept the position as RWC Treasurer.

Sister Dragana mentioned that we need to state in the minutes the member’s positions who had signing authority and to remove the old signing authorities.
Motioned by Darlene Lewis that the following will be our signing authorities
Chair: Charmaine Nelson
Vice Chair: Darlene Lewis
Treasurer: Kim Haynes
And all others are to be removed as signing authorities for the bank account, 2nd by Denis Davey, all in favour – Carried.

Round Table
Projects and the budget were discussed to follow up with emails to all the members.

Next Meeting:
16 Feb 2016

Meeting Adjournment at 16:15

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