Regina Human Rights Minutes May 3, 2016

May 3, 2016 
Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes

In attendance: Marlene Hoce, Dani Aubichon, Michelle Lane, Sandra Ahenakew, Geraldine Linton, PSAC Regional Rep: Martha Johnson
Guests: RVP Prairies Marianne Hladun


Minutes from previous meeting presented

Move to adopt Agenda – Michelle (M), Dani (S) carries

Marianne talked about PSAC reporting packages for committees – all forms are on the PSAC Prairie Website.

HRC must have 4 meetings per year.

If the HRC wants promotional items let PSAC know as soon as possible.

PSAC is ordering Banners for the committees.

HRC must identify donation, bank fees, and reasonable food costs in the budget.

If the committee is planning on spending money or holding elections then a vote of the committee members must be held.

Any donation to community initiative or organizations must come with an Action.

When the HRC submits a budget for events the events must align with PSAC Priorities. The committee should identify a few events they want to focus on for that term. If an event does not happen then the committee should not spend the money ear marked for that event – send an email to Marianne and let her know that the event was cancelled. 

ACTION: HRC must submit a proposed budget.  (Any event that is $500 or over - committees must provide a breakdown of costs.)

Committees should be giving a 2 week notice of upcoming meetings to be posted on the website and ensure that PSAC rep is available to attend meetings.

ACTION: Sandra to call Affinity Credit Union to set up a time and date to change signing authorities for committee.  Sandra will let Marlene, Cherylyn and Amber know when the appointment is set for.

Geraldine Linton spoke to the Committee about the recent National Aboriginal Peoples Circle (NAPC) Conference that happened in Winnipeg. 

Marianne : There are 5 Human Rights committees in the Prairie Region. Where there is no HR committees - Regional Aboriginal Peoples Circles (RAPC) have been organized – Prince Albert has a RAPC.  In Regina NAPC members will join the existing HRC and network as a part of the HRC. The RAPC would become a sub-committee of the HRC and would plan events around Aboriginal initiatives.  

Marianne suggests the HRC plan to host 2 events this term. The committee decided to hold or support one event in the summer/fall of 2016 around GLBTQ, and one event in December for International Day of peoples with disabilities. 

Martha suggested that the HRC could host an event inviting people from the GLBTQ and persons with disabilities as a “Living Library”.  

Marianne suggests the committee support National Aboriginal Day events.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15.

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