Prince Albert AC Mtg Minutes - Jan 21 2016

Special Meeting of: Prince Albert and District Area Council and Regional Aboriginal People’s Circle
Meeting Minutes
Jan 21, 2016 ~ 17:30-19:00

In attendance: Louise Mardell PSAC Rep, Dave Beeds USGE, Kurtis Mcadam USGE, Alicia Miller USGE, Shannon Blum USGE.
Meeting Chair: Trudy Lerat president of PA & Dist Area Council has resigned. Vice President Sr. France Tremblay-Franc has sent her regrets, thus Louise offered to chair this meeting and it was unanimously accepted.
Provincial Election
Discussion was held on what if anything both the RAPC and PA& Dist Area Councils would like to do surrounding the coming provincial elections on April 4th. Louise outlined what the Saskatoon area council is doing, which is a Pancake Breakfast with all candidates invited, as well as some voluntary support of a prior active PSAC member who is running Mr. Jesse Todd.
The group determined that a pancake breakfast seemed like a likely event. Br. Dave Beeds will be checking with the Friendship Center and some of his contacts to see if this is viable in Prince Albert. Should it prove to be a good possibility a budget and contact information for candidates will be prepared by Sr. Shannon Blum to be provided to the PSAC Regional Office before Jan 28, 2016 for funding approval. It is expected that the event will take place in early to mid March.

Candidates as of Jan 8, 2016 are as follows:
SK Party NDP Green
P.A. Carlton Joe Hargrave Shayne Lazarowich Asia Yellowtail
P.A. Northcote Victoria Jurgens Nicole Rancourt Tracey Yellowtail
Rosthern/Shellbrook Scott Moe Jade Duckett
Meadow Lake Jeremy Harrison Dwayne Lasas Sarah Risk

Card and Lobby Campaigns
Louise began with a reminder of the open letter that the Liberals sent to all Federal Govt workers during the election last year. We were reminded that although they promised they would not legislate our sick leave away, they did not promise that sick leave would leave the bargaining table. Thus we will be working hard to ensure the current administration knows we are taking their promises seriously. We will be doing this in two ways;

• Card Campaign: Every local will be sent postcards. They executive will be asked to distribute the cards and get them back to the Regional Office asap.

• Lobbying Campaign: Three to six individuals from each riding who are willing to lobby on behalf of the PSAC will be approached to attend training. Trainnig will be approximately 2 hrs during which they will be provided with speaking points and a mandate for lobbying their local MP's and candidates. These people will also go on a contact “quick intervention” team to address concerns with local government as they arise.

Upcoming Training:
PSAC training in the Prairies Region is tentatively scheduled as follows:
Talking Union Basics (TUB): March 12-13
Grievance Handling: April 2-3
Advanced Training (either Local officers or Stewards): This will be shared with Regina area and will take place in Regina likely date is May 6-9.

Meeting adjourned.

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