Prince Albert AC Mtg Minutes - Feb 8 2016

Prince Albert and District Area Council Meeting
February 8, 2016
John M. Cuelenaere Public Library
5:30-7 pm

Present: France Tremblay-Franc, Paul Daigneault, Kurtis McAdam, Marlene Korzenowski, Shannon Blum


Pancake Breakfast: Discussion was held surrounding the planned Pancake Breakfast event. A Date of March 12th at the Friendship Center was chosen. Shannon will start sourcing food, and begin finding contact information for MLA's. Marlene also volunteered to make phone call invitations if needed.

Resignations: Trudy Lerat has resigned both from the Presidents position and as a member of Prairie Regional Council. As the next PRC is coming February 18th we have been asked to fill her position.


President's Position: As one of the conditions of being Vice President is to step up to President should the position become vacant, France has agreed to step up to be president.

Elections: Marlene volunteered to run the election for PRC representative. As there were no written nominations Marlene called for nominations from the floor. Paul nominated Shannon and France seconded. Shannon chose to let her name stand. A call for nominations was given twice more but no further names were brought forward. Shannon Blum will be the PA AC – PRC representative by acclimation.


Nothing new


Thursday March 10, 2016

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