Prince Albert AC Mtg Minutes - Mar 10 2016

Prince Albert and District Area Council Meeting
March 10, 2016
Princess Cafe
5:30-6:30 pm

Present: Louise Mardell, Paul Daigneault, Kurtis McAdam, Dave Beeds, Trudy Lerat, Shannon Blum
Regrets: France Tremplay-Franc


Pancake Breakfast: Finalization of plans for the breakfast March 12th at the Friendship Center were completed. Volunteers will start at 8 AM (or 9 for some) to ensure that sausages are cooked and some pancakes are made. Dave will pick up the pancake batter from Humpty's and Shannon will purchase the rest of the necessary groceries. Shannon will also call the Regional Office about a press release tomorrow.


Elections: As we did not have a President or Vice President present, we did not have quorum and so were unable to hold elections for Vice President. Both Paul and Shannon were willing to step forward into the position. Ultimately we had a discussion about having a Secretary-Treasurer that would fill the position for both Area Council and RAPC, and that we would like this individual to be provided with an honorarium per meeting, and an inexpensive Laptop. We also decided that finalization of the executive would need to wait for the next full meeting.

Year End Report and Next Year's Budget Request: As Shannon is still working on this, she will bring the paperwork to breakfast for final signatures and approval.


Nothing new



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