Prince Albert AC Mtg Minutes - Aug 30 2016

Prince Albert and District Area Council Meeting
Executive Meeting
August 30, 2016
5:30-6:30 pm

Present: Louise Mardell, Shannon Blum, France Tremblay-Franc

Committee By-laws: We discussed the by-laws and decided that we were happy with them as they stand for now. Louise advised that changes couldn’t be made until the next Annual General Meeting anyway.

Recruiting: We discussed how to start recruiting with the aim of growing the committee to approximately 8 people. Both sr. Blum and sr. Tremblay-Franc agreed to bring someone from another local to the next meeting.
Event: We discussed the possibility of having an event. We decided that guest speakers might be a great idea, one to discuss phoenix and one to give an update on bargaining. We’re looking at Sept 27th for the event

Will be Sept 13th at 5 pm at the John. M. Cuelenaere public Library. A light supper will be provided.

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