Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Jul 18 2016

In Attendance:

Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Kirsten Strachey UTE 30024
Allisson Tse, UTE 30024
Jennifer Jurca, UCTE 30318
Tabassom Javadi Doudarani, UNE 30040
Ayanna Ayi, CEIU 30856


Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative
Arliss Chute, USGE
Vicky Norris, UTE 30024

Meeting was started late due to technical difficulties. 

1. The Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m.

- Motion made to adopt the agenda as presented by Jen Jurca, Motioned by 2nd Ayanna. Agenda was adopted without any amendments.

- May 9 minutes were read, motioned made by Alisson to adopt minutes without amendment, 2nd by Tabassom.  Minutes Adopted.

2. Question regarding Racially Visible Members regarding meals and reimbursement. Travel policy-discussion regarding reimbursement for travel costs, questions should be addressed to RV committee.

3. Regional Women’s Conference – Deb, Kirsten and Bev Pineda attended.  Childcare and Domestic Violence handouts provided to RWC. We will be looking at a regional committee to be doing some work around these topics.  Possible dates:

- Oct 4 - Sisters in Spirit vigil.  See #7

- Nov 20 - UNICEF National Child Day (partnering w/LWC perhaps doing online campaign, postcards, rhyming very much like Dr Seuss, sending the messages to PM, MPs MLA etc.

- Dec 6 - The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in honor the women murdered in Laval. Last year we held kitchen table workshop at Wildrose Church, brought in speaker from Brenda Stafford Society, had a police officer and social worker in the Domestic Violence unit for the City of Calgary.

4. Deb requested a volunteer from committee to look up ‘dates’ events that deal with children. We would like to also focus on Provincial government.  Jennifer volunteered.

5. Projects - We could have to write up a case and outlining what the project is, where/with who, the cost. The funding would be received from Prairies Region.  Equity, Murdered and missing aboriginal women, Childcare, Domestic Violence.  Lethbridge sponsors women and family for swimming. Brenda Stafford Society, The Calgary Women’s Centre, and Awo T’aan Healing Lodge Society are some of the groups Calgary RWC has partnered with,  Kirsten has expanded that to the Women’s Shelter in Red Deer.

Send an email to Deb with your proposal or ideas.

6. Discussed partnering with SAIT for Dec 6, National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women -Jen will research and look into it.  It might be a natural fit as it is a technical school.

7. Sisters in Spirit(Calgary) Oct -This year will be a shorter march this year. Starting in Stephen Ave mall, going to Olympic Plaza.  Handout provided by Deb. RWC had previously sponsored brown bag lunches, 400 post cards were signed. Family members who have lost someone will often speak after the march. Deb is sitting on planning committee. Awo Tann healing lodge has had 7 women that have participated with them who have been killed this year already. There was a project in which moccasins were made for each missing women or children. 2 sisters would like to Art project entitled ‘Footprints’ and would like to gather new, or like new shoes, and display the shoes in a medicine wheel, and then donate the shoes to women in need. Deb will send out messages/posters to locals.  Dolly has volunteered the Calgary PSAC office for storage.

8. A course is being developed that relates to regional women’s committees and Alberta might be the place for such a pilot project. Possible course offered in Red Deer- early fall/16.

Round table – Tabassom- suggested inviting some high school students to our planning meeting for Dec 6/16  (to complete their volunteer hours) and we might be able to gain different perspective.  

Kirsten – ask friends for new or like new, might gain it’s own momentum. Marianne will be coming in Sept, and would like to be around to come to the meetings. Potential date would be late Sept.

Deb – Sisters in spirit created banners and signs for City of Calgary overpasses then the city changed the dimensions.   Deb would like to write up a proposal for funding for banner, would have PSAC logo on them and be used for multiple years.

- Deb will also look at Take back the night – and find out if it is still happening.

- Deb will contact RWC with meeting dates for early Sept

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.  

Next meeting to be held TBA, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

Recorder:  Kirsten Strachey, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024 

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