Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Sep 21 2016

In Attendance:

Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024 - Chair
Kirsten Strachey UTE 30024 - Secretary
Tabassom Javadi Doudarani, UNE 30040
Arliss Chute, USGE
Melissa Wmbaia, CIU 30036

Staff Support:

Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative

Guest: Lethbridge RWC

Krysty Munns
Shirley Stoke
Stephanie Erb
Shannan Little

1. The Meeting called to order at 5:40 p.m.

- Motion made to adopt the agenda as amended, Motioned by Kirsten, Melissa 2nd. Agenda was adopted with amendments.

- Minutes from previous meeting of July 18, 2016 was tabled,  to be approved next  meeting

2. National Childcare Campaign – online campaign with postcard, MPs, senators, MLA’s of the provincial legislature. Previous idea was to have them modelled on Dr. Seuss sayings. Spoke with Mathew in Communications he stated that there would be copyright. He stated that nursery rhymes are within the public domain and had no copyright issues.  Examples provided. 

Questions: is there is a budget?  $200, can ask for additional funds from PRC.  We could do all the same post cards or do separate postcards.

Examples - We are writing to you as a MP, MLA, Senators-House of Commons, legislative representatives etc…it is time to team up for children and stop passing the buck to someone else. Federal, and provincial jurisdiction. Not all of our members have access to computers, internet, social media, should do both.

November: Members of Parliament, Senators, Members of Legislature

- It is time to team up for the children

- Universal Childcare-It shouldn’t be a fairy-tale anymore.

- It takes a village to raise a child, will you be part of the village - discussion as there might be some negative feedback.

December: What a gift sitting that would be, sitting under our tree, national childcare. Oh what a season, tis a reason, to have national childcare

January: New year wish/resolution

February: National EO conference March 2017-launch physical postcard at National EO. As part of conference (deadline to register was September 16, 2016)

Start (target) Day - International day of the Child is November 20 - target date.

Deadline for rhymes will be September 30, 2016 to be sent to Deb.  

If this campaign gains momentum then we would want to capitalize on them.

Dolly to speak to Andre Cote and will get back to committee on costs.

3. Sisters in Spirit Vigil - Deb was looking into reallocating funds from Take back the night, as it is no longer going on, to Sisters in Spirit.  Deb will seek approval from Marianne.  Footprint project - new information received today about drop off locations. This information will be sent to Locals.  Kirsten will be Red Deer drop off location. Deb will amend poster and send out to members of RWC.

4. World Food day - UFCW poster soliciting donations for the AGMs end of Sept.  World Food day is October 16, 2016 - to make members aware. Deb will modify poster and send out.

Round table: Possible one day workshop, in Red Deer area. Come up with dates that work for Arliss and Kirsten CEIE, UTE, and Bowden.  Get women involved. Minimum of participants - 15. We would recruit interested members.  2013 was last time something was presented.

Dec 6 – National day of remembrance (Laval shootings)-University of Calgary has vigil at Rosa Centre. Do we want to participate?  OR another idea could be that our committee can put something on geared to young women, Courses-lady beware, Demonstrations, speakers and workshop-learn how to be aware and protect themselves. Possibly sometime in New Year.  Women who are racially visible are more at risk, could incorporate this into session.

  • committee has sponsored a young women attended a self-esteem and confidence program.  Dolly to look at previous minutes for name of organization.

Violence against women, men hitting women - Rachel Notley, has taken a lot of abuse.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m.

Marianne Hldaun will be in Calgary to meet with RWC executive October 13, 2016.

5. Next meeting to be held October 19, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

Recorder:  Kirsten Strachey, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024


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