Please be aware of the upcoming deadlines for the Prairie Region Triennial Convention. Registration and resolutions are both due in two weeks on December 8, 2016.
As outlined in the PSAC Prairies 2017 Convention Callout Notice, registration must be completed online by December 8, 2016 at midnight (CST) in order to receive a subsidy. Each delegate, alternate, observer, and guest must complete the online registration form to receive credentials to Convention. Register online here.
Printed versions of the registration form are available, if required. Please refer to the original callout notice on the Prairies website, or the PSAC Prairie Region Bylaws for more information about who can be a delegate at Convention.
Locals that have not yet elected delegates may reserve credentials, with names and information submitted at a later date. Local Presidents should contact Alison Davis to hold spots by December 8, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. (CST).
Additionally, resolutions to Convention must be forwarded to my office by December 8, 2016 at midnight (CST). Please submit the resolutions in electronic format by email to Marianne Hladun. Resolutions may be submitted by the Prairie Region Council, Locals, Branches, Regional Women’s Committees, Area Councils, Human Rights Committees, and Regional Aboriginal Peoples’ Circles.
Please refer to the PSAC Prairies website for Convention updates as they are available. If you have any questions about the online registration form or anything else Convention-related, please contact Alison Davis at 1-855-956-4625 (toll-free) / 204-956-4625 (in Winnipeg) or by email.
In Solidarity,
Marianne Hladun
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies