Regina Area Council Minutes November 1, 2016

Regina Area Council
Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2016

Present:    Melissa Brandt – Chair                Brett Pollard – Vice-Chair
Tim Hubick, Treasurer                                  Satinder Bains, PRC Representative
Michelle Lang, RWC                                     Danielle Aubichon, L40005
Deanna Getz, PRC South SK Rep                Debi Bernhardt, L40022
Gregory Reed, L40008                                 Marlene Hoce, HR Committee
Martha Johnson, PSAC Regional Representative

Regrets:    Larry Skibicki - Secretary 

1.    The meeting commenced at 5:35 p.m.

2.    M/S/C        Brett/Danielle

That the meeting agenda be adopted as circulated.

3.    Tim reported that effective July 31, 2016 the bank balance was $1,246.86.  Revision of signing officers for the bank account has been initiated. Currently waiting for Larry to get an appointment to go in and complete his signing card.
M/S/C        Danielle/Tim
That Melissa be reimbursed in the amount of $20.33 for dinner expenses.
4.    PRC Update:

•    Members of PRC attended the Liberal Convention which opened many doors and enabled members to make lots of good connections.  Many MP’s toured our worksites which gave them an appreciation of the work our members do.
•    Went to the HR World Forum.
•    Participated in the October 31 National Day of Action to update members on the status of collective bargaining.
•    Will be attending the PRC meeting taking place later this week in Calgary.

5.    Melissa gave an update on discussions at the All Committee meeting and outlined a proposal that Area Council organize and deliver a town hall for members working in Regina.  The town hall would include an update on collective bargaining together with a discussion about Phoenix pay issues.  It was agreed there is interest in hosting a town hall.  Planning will commence in early 2017.

6.    Sister Martha conducted elections by secret ballot for the following:
Area Council Representative to PRC – Satinder and Deanna nominated; Satinder elected.
1st Area Council Alternate – Deanna acclaimed.
2nd Area Council Alternate – Brett acclaimed.
Area Council Delegate to Prairie Convention – Melissa and Tim nominated; Tim elected.
Alternate Area Council Delegate to Prairie Convention – Melissa and Brett nominated; Melissa elected.
M/S/C        Michelle/Brett
That the ballots be destroyed after a period of 30 days.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Next meeting:  November 29/16 – development of resolutions for Prairie Region Convention

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