Calgary AC Mtg Minutes - Nov 30 2016

Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes- November 30, 2016
Alec Goertzen, President
Dale Marianicz, Vice-President
Phillip Chan, Treasurer
Deb Kosteniuk, Secretary

Raj Hari, RO Rep
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Br Goertzen presented the Agenda for review.
There were no amendments to the Agenda
Br Goertzen presented the October 18, 2016 minutes for review and adoption

Br Goertzen proposed a friendly amendment to #5 A) So that it read:
“There is a Day of Action October 31, 2016 campaign currently going on involving cartoon depiction of our employer in regards to bargaining.”

Br Goertzen also proposed an amendment to #7 Roundtable so that the last sentence of the second paragraph reads
“Lastly, there was a discussion about membership apathy and how to engage them.”
Minutes as amended were accepted M/S/C Kosteniuk/Chan
Treasurer’s Update
No change to bank account since last meeting. Br Chan reported on two matters:
CLiFF (Canadian Labour in Film Festival);
Calgary Area Council again participated in CLiFF. There were two screening nights scheduled for November 22 and 25, 2016. To financially support this charity Br Chan advised CAC had budgeted $500 for the CLiFF event. With expenses for snacks and drinks, he proposed CAC make a $250 donation to CLiFF. M/S/C Chan/Goertzen
Volunteer Appreciation Night
Volunteer Appreciation Night was scheduled for December 10, 2016 and monies budgeted for the event. was discussed and decidedly cancelled. Further discussion on this is detail under PSAC 50th Anniversary.

Old Business
CLiFF (Canadian Labour International Film Festival)
This years selection of films had some that were dramatic and satirical, while others were light and refreshing. It was a good balance and it was agreed the short films this year were even better than last year’s. Attendance doubled from last year!
The Calgary Area Council wishes to recognize Dolly Ablitt and warmly thanks her for her efforts on our behalf, and also the Edmonton Area Council for the loan of their film disc.
New Business
PSAC 50th Anniversary
Br Goertzen came across information, and verified with the REVP, that a recognition event had potential of being organized by the RO. Raj Hari read an email from the Regional Coordinator about 50th Anniversary events and swag available; only a few items had been received at the RO so far.
Br Goertzen led a lively discussion about what could be considered by the RO for an event honouring the 50th anniversary. With the cancel of Volunteer Appreciation night, Br Chan raised a suggestion if we could financially support the RO in planning the event into a something more than cake & coffee. Br Goertzen will forward ideas discussed to the Regional office
PRC Update
Br Goertzen provided update from the PRC meeting held Nov 4-6, 2016 in Calgary. PRC business was done, but the meeting was primarily about Conventions. Speakers have been chosen for the event, such as Hussein Yusuf from CLC, PSAC President Robyn Benson. Resolution Committees have been formed that include one National officer as chair and a PRC member as co-chair. There will be a PRC teleconference on December 15, 2016 to decide the subsidy funding to locals for their delegates. The next PRC meeting is January 19 to 22, 2017 in Winnipeg and we will be finalizing details of convention.
CLC Bill C-27 Lobbying Campaign
PSAC is supporting the CLC`s lobby campaign against Bill C-27; a Bill introducing changes to the Pension Benefits Standards Act. There are four targeted ridings for Members of Parliament and the only one in Calgary is Kent Hehr from Calgary Centre. Lobbying Kit information – speaking notes, leave behind flyer – are made available to use from the CLC. Raj offered to assist her where/if needed.
PSAC members in this riding are encouraged to contact the Regional office for information and assistance in visiting MP Hehr. PSAC will pay up to 3 hours of Loss of Salary for this lobbying effort for the meeting with the MP
Sr Kosteniuk`s has agreed to try to set up a face to face meeting with him to discuss our concerns and report back next meeting.

Br Marianicz discussed PSAC email addresses and if available to Local executives. Br Goertzen informed him we had a conversation at PRC meeting about them and they were available to PRC members but will no longer be offered.
Br Chan discussed that perhaps CAC could hold movie nights every couple of months: movies that entertain and educate members about labour unions and their activities. Sr. Kosteniuk noted a one ‘Pride’, comedic movie about the British miners’ strike that was supported by the gay community and how the two groups came together. Further discussion on this idea will follow
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
PRC meeting minutes and notices of meetings can be found at:

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