Prince Albert Mtg Minutes - Nov 15 2016

Prince Albert and District Area Council
November 15, 2016
Present: Components: France Trembley-Franc, Christina Creusot, Val Remy, Rabia Chaudhari.
Staff: Louise Mardell, PSAC Regional Representative
Regrets: Dave Beeds, Melanie Trendocher
Anti-Harassment Policy: Read by Louise
November Agenda: is adopted with the addition of Education. Motion by Christina, and seconded by Rabia
June AGM Minutes- Moved by Rabia and Seconded by Val
Financial Statement: Shannon presented the budget to date, but noted that there are still 2 checks with the REVP office totalling $1300.00 that have not yet been cashed. The treasurer will discuss with the REVP’s office whether or not these funds could still be utilized. Discussion was held around why and how we get a budget. Motion to accept financial statement by Val, Seconded by Christina.
Proposed By-law changes: proposed changes were presented by Shannon Blum. Please see attached proposed changes to the by-laws.
Elections: Christina wondered if it might not be good to have elections in January for executive positions and for delegates to convention so that more members could be present and so that it would be in agreement with the proposed by-law changes. The committee determined that this was a great idea and elections will be postponed until January. Since Shannon will be attending regardless as a PRC member she will complete her application prior to the due date, and contact the Winnipeg office to have them save a seat for the second delegate.
Recruitment: Christina brought up the fact that it would be nice to have a flyer that tells what Area Council is. Louise has a brochure that she will send that can be updated. The committee decided that they would like to have the flyers printed in color and hand them out with candy canes.

Education: Louise discussed the need to actively recruit for education as it has been difficult to run courses without enough members applying. The group also discussed ways to create more interest. Shannon discussed a proposal to PRC that she will be working on with both the Saskatoon and Regina offices for a pilot project, funded by PRC to provide training during the day, as this seems to be a common complaint in our region.
Next Meeting: 5:50 pm on January 11, 2017
Motion to Adjourn Val Seconded by Rabia

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