Saskatoon RWC Mtg Minutes - Dec 6 2016

Minutes of the Saskatoon Regional Women’s Committee December 6, 2016

Attendance: Audrey Berlovan, Leila White, Melissa McGrath, Corinne McKay

Review of Resolution:
 Reviewed the resolution regarding being more inclusive for transgender individuals self-identifying as women and resolution regarding training.
 Leila rewrote and submitted to PSAC Regional office
Donation in remembrance of Judy Shannon:
 Agreed to donate 100.00 to WINhouse in Edmonton Alberta in remembrance of Judy
Discussion on future activities/plans:
 Reviewed the Facebook page.
 Talked about education sessions – ideas such as deconstructing media, how to use social media as an organizing tool, and the possibility of using the concepts in the book “Lean In” might be of interest to members.
 Talked about how many meetings we want and what direction we should be going.
 Will focus on events geared for National Women’s Day a possible symposium on that day.
 Leila will put out an invitation/welcome letter to encourage participation in the committee.
 Agreed that this committee should be a place where everyone feels welcome and safe to join.
 Next meeting January 17, 2017 at 5:30pm - we will develop our budget for the year at this meeting.
 Committee will reimburse Louise for meal for the meeting.
 Leila and Corinne will make appointment to change signatures at the bank
 Leila now has a key for the office should we need to use it.
 Discussed “bring two friends” to each meeting to build capacity.
 Discussed that APSAR members are welcome to members of the committee.
 Wine and Cheese tray was provided by the committee to the PSAC Seasonal Open House which will be held on Thursday.
 Remembrance Ceremony of the Montreal Massacre will be held following the meeting.

Meeting adjourned

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