Saskatoon RWC Mtg Minutes - Sep 22 2016

Saskatoon RWC Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2016
Audrey Berlovan (UNE), Jackie Nettleton (AGR), Nancy Johnson (UTE)
Louise Mardell, Regional Representative
Chair’s Report:
Nancy advised that she was the successful candidate for the Admin process and therefore can no longer participate as the committee chair. She would offer assistance to committee when needed and thanked the members for their support and participation.

Treasurer’s Report:
Interim treasurer Lois Lafond not in attendance, there are several cheques that need to be signed. Presently the co-signors are Nancy Johnson and Jacque Maurice (who is a term admin in Thunder Bay)
Nancy deposited the $1,800.00 2016 allocation into the bank account.
Nancy provided copies of deposit slip of July 22, 2016.
New co-chairs will have to arrange to change signing authorities so that cheques can be issued.
All the books and records will be kept in the RO until a new treasurer is elected

Election of Officers:
Leila White USGE member provided an email stating that she would like to be chair. Louise read the email to the members.
Audrey Berlovan UNE member stated that she would also like to be the committee chair.
Louise stated that the in the past the committee had co-chairs and that Audrey and Leila should talk and discuss. Nancy would send an email to Leila with Audrey’s contact information.
Nancy provided the dates and relevant information and what needs to be done for 2017 PSAC Women's conference and 2017 Prairies Convention. She discussed the delegate status, meeting minute requirements etc.
Nancy stated that Gloria Kelly, Women’s Rep on Prairie Region Council should be contacted and she could assist the committee with their work. She provided both members with Gloria’s contact information.

Our Organization: