Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Nov 30 2016 Draft

RWC Minutes, November 9, 2016

In Attendance:
Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Kirsten Strachey UTE 30024
Ami Downing, AG 30046
Pam Wallis CEIU 30856
Maggie Harvey USGE
Gloria Kelly, Prairie Region Women’s Committee Representative

Tabassom Javadi Doudarani, UNE 30040
Ayanna Ayi, CEIU 30856
Allison Tse UTE 30024
Jennifer Jurca, UCTE 30318
Arliss Chute USGE 30129
Vicki Norris UTE 30024
Valda Behrens RCMP USE 30009
Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative

1. The Meeting called to order at 5:45 p.m. Motion made to amend the agenda was made by Deb, Ami seconded. Maggie motioned to accept, Pam seconded the adoption of the amended Agenda
2. Minutes from previous meetings- Oct 26, 2016 not available for review for all members, tabled;
3. Update from PRC meeting-Run Friday Nov 4-6, looked at resolutions and planning triennial. Sat @ National human rights museum. Prairie Voice awards on Sat night. 102 registrations.
Deadline is Dec 8. Possible conflict of Calgary RWC project and National, however CRWC received green light.
4. National Childcare project- Online Campaign- REVP Marianne to assist. Deb to complete write up of proposal. Target day-International day of Child Nov 20. Deb has been in touch with regional
communications officer. Deb to touch base with Lethbridge WRC
5. December 6, 2016 Day of Remembrance-Programs run at U of C, SAIT-resource booths.
6. CDLC-Dinner at Palliser event. Deb to do poster
7. Small Steps discussion-food bank, lunch at drop in centre, Christmas bureau, YCMA Sheriff Kings house, Women in Poverty. Deb to find something in Calgary for group to help with.
8. Prairie Region Triennial- April 21-23, 2017 Winnipeg-1 delegate –Decision to be made on Dec 5.
9. National Equity Conference in March-Toronto-National component Presidents have list of members that have applied. Needs information by Nov 18.

Pam-discussion of maternity vs paternity leave.
Maggie- no protection for terms going on maternity leaves.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m.

Next meeting to be held Dec 5, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

Recorder: Kirsten Strachey, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024

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