Prince Albert and District Area Council - January 11, 2017
Present: Components: France Trembley-Franc, Christina Creusot.
Regrets: Melanie Trendocher, Rabia Chaudhari
November Minutes: adopted as is. Motion by Pennie, and seconded by France Trembley-Franc
President: France Trembley-Franc was nominated by Shannon Blum seconded by Pennie Young, carried by acclimation
Vice President: Christina Creusot nominated by Shannon Blum seconded by France Trembley-Franc, carried by acclimation
Secretary Treasurer: Shannon Blum nominated by Pennie Young seconded by France Trembley-Franc, carried by acclimation
PRC Representative: Shannon Blum was nominated by France Trembley-Franc and seconded Pennie Young, carried by acclimation
PRC Alternate: Pennie Young was nominated by Shannon Blum and seconded by France Trembley-Franc, carried by acclimation.
Convention Delegate: France Trembley-Franc was nominated by Shannon Blum, seconded by Pennie Young, carried unanimously.
Financial Statement: The committee agreed to have a meeting in February to discuss the budget and work on the budget request for 2017.
By-law changes: Changes to the by-laws proposed in November were accepted by the committee unanimously.
Next Meeting: TBA
Motion to Adjourn France Trembley-Franc Seconded by Shannon Blum