Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes - Dec 5 2016

RWC Minutes, December 5, 2016

In Attendance:
Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Kirsten Strachey UTE 30024
Ami Downing, AG 30046
Tabassom Javadi Doudaranie, UNE 30040
Jennifer Jurca, UCTE 30318
Vicky Norris UTE 30024

Pam Wallis
Melissa Lumpala
Arliss Chute USGE 30129
Valda Behrens RCMP USE 30009
Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative
Maggie Harvey USGE

1. The Meeting called to order at 5:50 p.m.
-Motion made to accept the agenda made by Vicky, Ami seconded.
Agenda was adopted without amendment.

2. Minutes from previous meetings- Oct 26, 2016 – amended, spelling mistake, corrected
Nov 9, 2016 Ami moved to accept minutes as presented, seconded by Tabassom

3. RWC delegate to Prairie Region Triennial - April 21-23, 2017 Winnipeg – entitle to send one delegate. Jennifer, Vicky and Ami interested. Ami delegate, Jennifer alternate, Vicky 2nd alternate

4. National Childcare project- Font hard to read, white font should not be used. Jack one the weakest image, alternates presented. May have to drop one(Jack). 4 postcards, Dec – March. Discussion on keeping 5th postcard for April, have to be conscience of national campaign and when it starts. Move Red Riding hood for Feb, replacing Jack/Beanstalk. Notes for Jeffery: font, link ready for Dec 20. Postcard would be online for members to send to PM, MPs, MLAS etc. Deb will send a email blast to all Southern Alberta locals when link is live. Further discussion/decision making for this campaign will be held through email

5. December 6, 2016 Day of Remembrance- poster did not go out, not able to sponsor women to attend CLC dinner. Will plan a 2017 event that will include women from the community. Deb donating work of art for door prize.

6. Women’s Centre of Calgary Toy Drive- how much money does committee have to be able to donate? As of Oct $334.03 in bank, will have ~$73.08 after expenses for rest of year. Deb to request funds from Region. Jen motions to request funds for this event from Mariann, Tabassom 2nd

7. Have a Heart Day - Feb 14, send a valentine to your MP. First nation students receive $2000 less funding a year than other students. This campaign is to help keep the Ingenious Affairs Minister accountable to the human rights tribunal.
Video, twitter, facebook, valentine cards. Creating a social media campaign for Feb 14. Have a day to create valentines for members and families. Pot luck party… lots of ideas. Deb to request funding.

Roundtable- no further comments

The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m.

Next meeting to be held Jan 23 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

Recorder: Kirsten Strachey, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024

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