Regina Area Council Minutes January 31, 2017

Regina Area Council
Meeting Minutes
January 31, 2017

Present:    Melissa Brandt – Chair                Brett Pollard – Vice-Chair
Tim Hubick, Treasurer                                  Satinder Bains, PRC Representative
Michelle Lang, RWC

Regrets:    Larry Skibicki – Secretary            Martha Johnson, Regional Rep

1.    The meeting commenced at 5:30 p.m.

2.    M/S/C        Brett/Michelle

That the meeting agenda be adopted as circulated.

3.    M/S/C        Tim/Satinder

That the November 29, 2016 meeting minutes be adopted.

4.    Tim reported that effective December 31, 2016 the bank balance was $1,101.44.  All cheques issued in 2016 have cleared the bank.

5.    Updated by PRC Representative:
Satinder reported that PRC met in Winnipeg from January 19 to 22.  The main focus of the meeting was preparation for Convention.  Convention Committees have been established and have started reviewing resolutions.  In addition bylaw amendment proposals are being reviewed.

6.    Planning for AGM:

a.    Meeting date of March 7 selected; alternate date of March 9 selected in the event the 7th does not work for Martha;
b.    Financial statements are ready for audit; Michelle advised she and Sister Danielle Aubichon are willing to complete the audit and it was agreed Tim and Melissa would audit the financial statements for RWC on February 15 following the Human Rights Committee AGM.
c.    2017 budget – the preliminary budget developed by Tim was reviewed and minor revisions identified.  Tim will complete the revisions prior to the AGM at which time the budget will be approved.
The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Next meeting:  TBD following March 7 AGM

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