Nate Angus-Jackman PRC Report (Feb. 2016)

Nathaniel Angus-Jackman
Young Workers Rep
Prairie Region Council February 2016

  • In the short time since the last meeting of the Prairie Regional Council there has been continued growth in the regional young workers communication network. Through face-to-face communication, word of mouth and referrals, the communications network has nearly doubled in size since its creation late 2014. This has allowed for better distribution of information and opportunities for young workers within the region, and continued focus will be placed on ensuring that the network keeps growing.
  • Once again, in the short term the focus will be on establishing two Young Worker Committees within the region. While this has proved challenging I am confident that in the near future this will be achievable. The establishment of these committees is a priority and I will be providing updates as we progress towards our goal.
  • As a member of the National Young Workers Working Group I have continued communicating with my regional counterparts throughout the country by email, conference call and when possible in person. The group has continued to generate some fantastic ideas and initiatives. Our focus currently is on using information gleaned from the successful launch of our survey last year to continue developing various initiatives and communication strategies tailored to Young Workers. If there is interest in taking a look at the results of the survey, please contact me directly and I will be happy to share them.  We will also be developing a Young Workers Handbook designed to share best practices, maintain existing communication networks and to allow subsequent Regional Young Worker reps to hit the ground running.
  • I have also begun work on developing a union mentorship initiative, which aims to pair a young worker/new activist with a more experienced “mentor” with the goal of facilitating knowledge/experience transfers between the two.