Jackie Nettleton PRC Report (Feb. 2016)

Jackie Nettleton
Saskatoon Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council February 2016

Since the election and the last PRC meeting in November we haven’t done too much. We purchased a wreath from the Poppy Fund for the Remembrance Day ceremonies as we always do. We partnered with the RWC to sponsor a seasonal open house for members in December. We were fortunate to have both our REVP, Marianne Hladun and our President, Robyn Benson, at our open house. PRC member Nancy Johnson gave a presentation about her participation in the Governor General’s Leadership Program.

At our meeting in January meeting we discussed lobbying MPs to persuade them of the importance of our issues such as repealing the anti-labour legislation of the last government. We plan to have lobby teams of two or three people to lobby each of the Saskatoon Area MPs. Lobby training is planned for mid-February. We made plans to have our books audited for our AGM in February and we developed a plan and budget for political action activities around the upcoming provincial election that is expected to be called in early March.

In Solidarity,

Jackie Nettleton
Saskatoon Area Council President

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