Deanna Getz PRC Report (Nov. 2016)

Deanna Getz
Southern SK Geographical Rep
Prairie Region Council November 2016

Fellow members, it's been a challenging year with both Federal & Provincial elections.   As a PRC rep, I volunteered to call members to participate in training for the National Lobbying Campaign.  I also assisted with designing picket signs for the National Day of Action.

I worked with SFL and Area Council on provincial election events such as helping with organizing the SFL Provincial Election Forum.   I assisted on the community garden project for the Women's Committee.  The Women's Committee donated plants and seeds to the community garden that allows low income families to enjoy fresh vegetables and garden produce.

I assisted Brother Bains and the Area Council with the planning of three events centered around political action and the budget was forwarded to Marianne for review.

As per Marianne's request, I assisted the Human Rights Council by sitting in on regular meetings, assisting with budgets for upcoming events, assisted with planning events focussed on human rights issues, and offered guidance on requirements from PRC such as holding a minimum of four meetings a year to ensure the committee could get back in good standing.

I received feedback from members not happy with the Townhall auto calls. Members are not getting called after providing their contact information. Other members are getting a call but do not have the option to join the Townhall call. PRC needs to look into this issue to encourage members participation.

To end the year I was invited to the UTE National Presidents Conference. Here I heard from members dealing with issues such as a student bridging, Phoenix pay issues, perpetual staffing processes, and changes to the staffing using a new national staffing initiative.

I will be meeting with the Communications Committee prior to our PRC meeting in Calgary in November.

Respectfully submitted,

Deanna Getz
Southern Saskatchewan Geo Rep