Gregory Krokosh PRC Report (Nov. 2016)

Gregory Krokosh
Lethbridge Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council November 2016

With the support of both the Lethbridge & District Area Council and the Lethbridge Regional Women's Committee, members in Lethbridge participated in the 2016 Dragon Boat Festival. This was the second year of participation and almost reached the point of two boats being required. A great time was had by all. Both members and the community got the opportunity to discuss issues.

The Council also participated  with other affiliates of the Lethbridge and District Labour Council in the City of Lethbridge's Whoop-Up Days parade. Some of us could only help decorate the truck the night before while others got to participate in the parade proper. Another event where the PSAC flags were present.

Despite changing venue this year, the Labour Day Picnic was a tremendous success. Having live music pulled the people into the event. This was the first opportunity for the Council to use the new tent and recently designed PSAC Prairie Region introduction flyer. Both proved their value as people where drawn in and many discussions about the public service and the future of public service took place. The public also took away the message that Unions also do good works for the public. Possibly due to the fact that the picnic was held in a more residential area this year, I never heard so many people thanks us.

The Council also continued their work and support of the community garden and food bank. This included the tomato project, young chef program and the completion of a major irrigation project for the raised beds of the community garden.

Since becoming Regional Executive Vice-President for the Union of Taxation Employees (Rocky Mountains Region) in early February, I have had little time to devote to Council or actually be in the City as events were held. I wish to thank the membership of the Area Council, Brother David Pearson and especially Sister Krysty Munns for all their hard work and being there. Regretfully, with a new collective agreement in place my consultation duties with the Employer will begin again soon further reducing my availability.

Respectfully submitted.

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