Jackie Nettleton PRC Report (Nov. 2016)

Jackie Nettleton
Saskatoon Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council November 2016

We participated in the Day of Mourning. PSAC member Jesse Todd spoke on the dangers of asbestos. Several members of the University of Saskatchewan’s drama department performed a scene from a new play documenting a group of miner’s wives and their fight to improve working conditions. The full play was put on during the Fringe Festival in the summer. This year we spent some of our budget on a new wreath as the old one was getting a little bedraggled.

We participated in the Pride Parade again this year which is always a lot of fun. We handed out rainbow tattoos to the kids.

I was out of town for the annual Labour Day BBQ but other members were there (including Marianne) and we got to use our new tent. The bbq is always popular with the people from the core neighborhood and this year the crowd was especially large.

In Solidarity,

Jackie Nettleton

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