Deanna Getz PRC Report (Jan. 2017)

Deanna Getz
Southern SK Rep
Prairie Region Council January 2017

As a PRC rep, it was a busy couple of months. 

At the last PRC meeting I discussed with Marianne members concerns  about not getting called for Town Hall meetings after providing their contact information. Other members are getting a call but do not have the option to join the Townhall call. 

Marianne advised that members ensure their contact information is up-to-date with the PSAC office. Marianne also mentioned that if the member has issues with being disconnected from the Townhall meetings, to call the PSAC regional office and the voicemail will have a call in phone number to rejoin the Townhall meeting. Marianne's office has advised the supplier about the dropped calls and they are looking into what else they can do. 

I met with the Communications Committee during our PRC meeting in Calgary in November. We discussed the creation of a list of items PSAC has available for member events.

At our November PRC meeting, we discussed the upcoming PSAC triannual convention, planning the agenda, potential speakers, the budget and we reviewed all resolutions received to date. Some resolutions were put forward while others were withdrawn. PRC reps were assigned their convention committees they will be sitting on to debate resolutions prior to convention in April. 

There was discussion at the PRC meeting about PSAC courses available for members. Marianne stated It is National policy that the TUB and grievance handling courses must be offered every year.  It was suggested that alliance facilitators deliver the TUB and grievance courses. However Marianne advised that it is part of the PSAC staff job description and it is also in the PSAC staff union collective agreement, that courses must be delivered by PSAC staff only. 

In November, I attended the election for PRC A/C rep. Brother Satinder Bains was successful for another three year term. 

In December, I assisted the Human Rights Council with The final planning for the December 10th Mental Health workshop. I attended the event, which went well, as we had a speaker from the Mental Health Association and also a workshop on mental health offered by our own brother, Tim Hubick. 

It was discussed at the PRC November meeting that the PRC Southern Saskatchewan geographical rep attend the HR meetings as they are in the area and are able to assist the HR committee in person. Typically this committee is handled by the equity reps but it is geographically challenging, as the closest rep in southern Saskatchewan is in Prince Albert.

In December, I, personally also volunteered for the Union Christmas dinner for the less fortunate in Regina. We had approximately 1800 people come through the doors that evening. This just goes to show that our work is nowhere close to being completed and that there are many families in need of help. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Deanna Getz - Southern Saskatchewan Geo Rep