Satinder Bains PRC Report (Convention 2017)

Satinder Bains
Regina Area Council Representative

I had the great honor to represent the Regina Area Council on the Prairie Region Council and to work together with strong union activist to in the Prairies where we took our issues and concerns forward no matter how difficult or complicated they were. Working with our members as colleagues had also provided me with a great learning experiences.

This also helped me provide representation for PRC and its members with diverse activists and the most current professional knowledge and skills.  Together we explored ways to renew the labor movement, celebrate our diversity and better understand the changing nature of work which our members will be facing in our workplace and communities. Hopefully I was able to provide information to improve the lives of all Canadians and the future of the labor movement.

Some of the highlight this term I was able to network and work with union members who identify with one or more of our equity groups Aboriginal workers, workers of color, workers with disabilities. I was able to meet with my peers and find out what’s working at organizations similar to ours and connect with them during the meetings and conference at networking sessions and also to continue sharing solutions and ideas.

The following are some of the sessions along with my PRC responsibilities that were of particular relevance:  Decolonizing Violence against Indigenous Women, Mental Health and the Workplace, Working While Black, International Solidarity and Human Rights.

I continue to attend and work with the Regina Human Rights and Regina Area Council committees and attended the meetings on regular bases.  Continued to participate in on the PRC conference calls to keep up to the current events and issues in the PSAC. Following are some of my activities.

November 13th, 2014 attended a conference call to discuss the activities and responsibilities shared between Geographical Reps and Area Council Reps so we do not duplicate our work and work together to achieve our goals to represent and inform our members.

December 11th set up information picket line at “F” Division and Depot Division in Regina along the USGE National office staff, RVP, Regional office Rep Dianne. We handed out pamphlets with information regarding defending sick leave, protecting workers, fighting for healthier workplaces and bargaining demands updates to all employees coming to work.

January 9th-10th 2015 attended the CLC Election Preparation training in Saskatoon report attached.

The CLC Election Preparation conference in Saskatoon from January  9th to the 10th, CLC executive Larry Hubich and Hassan Yussuff CLC President welcomed around 200 delegates from all over Saskatchewan to start the conference. The Topic of the conference was Good Jobs, Child Care, Heath Care and Retirement Security in which I see as taking action and influencing change.

The conference consisted of numerous key note speakers who spoke about the importance of solidarity and that concerns of the workers are shared concerns. The main workshop I attend were Building Allies Locally, Effective Campaigning and From engagement to Action in the conference. The speakers commended and encouraged our future leaders to play active role in helping all our workers to become even more powerful in the workplace and the community. The conference was to identify the issues that we are facing in the coming Federal and Provincial elections for workers who recognize and are determined to change the Conservative policies which affect aboriginal and radicalized communities, for LGBT communities and for the people living with disabilities and for women. The conference shared and looked at ways to build a strong, diverse and inclusive work force and community. I believe this will help achieve our goals as we go into our communities and listen to people and identify the issues they are facing in the coming elections. This can be achieved using methods Park and Bark, Fields of Dreams and Go-Listen-Built methods.

January 19th set up Being effected campaign at the RCMP Depot and Casino Regina along with Sister Lang to make the members and the public aware the challenges that we are facing ahead.

January 30th –Feb. 1st attended the Leading Change a two day workshop for the PSAC Leaders conducted by the PSAC. We planned activities and action plans for engagement/mobilizations in our communities and workplace.

June 19th Day of Action was held at the RCMP Depot to make the employees and the public what our concerns are around sick leave and how it affects us all.

July 20th Regina Area Council identified three activities leading up to the next federal election.  The activities will consist of an all-candidates’ debate, an issues based flyer campaign and a telephone bank.  More detail and a proposed budget for each activity were discussed and along with the activities for the Canada Labor Day picnic in Regina Sask.

These are just some of the activities that I have highlighted in my term I have also attended the World Social Forum in Montreal, attended the first PRC Racially Visible conference held in Winnipeg. Continue to support the Regina Area Council committee by lobbying the MP’s, supporting picket lines for members on strike to arranging Labor Day picnic.

For me this was a great learning experience and I continue to build on my knowledge, experience and success. I am happy to say we have lot activists from all parts of Prairies Region who work in different governments, department, and agencies, unions who share the same values and concerns when we are dealing with our current issues, concerns and governments.

Thank you for your support

In Solidarity,

Satinder Bains
Regina Area Council Rep

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