Alec Goertzen PRC Report (Convention 2017)

Alec Goertzen
Calgary Area Council Representative

Respectfully submitted to the delegates of the 2017 Prairie Region Triennial Convention, Winnipeg, Manitoba:

PRC Finance Committee – during this term I participated as an active member of the PRC Finance committee. At the 2014 Regional Triennial Convention, there was a clear message from members that fiscal responsibility and accountability was a priority for our members, and unaudited financial documents are not reliable for planning the future of our regional work. I decided to participate as an active member of the PRC finance committee, along with 4 other passionate members all strong on financial matters, to ensure this was accomplished to the best of my ability. Together the PRC Finance validated the expenses of the PRC and its committees, and implemented a formal audit process to ensure we could attest to the systems and process were within or compliant with acceptable accounting principles. We formally developed a Terms of Reference of our committee with roles and accountability. This includes a formal review with the REVP of all Regional Committee's annual Budget requests for allocation funding dispersal. I’m very proud of the work we do on the Finance Committee and now glad we can provide you our membership with professionally audited financial statements that attest to these fiscal and financial responsibilities for this Convention and financial decision making for the operation of our regional work.

Area Council Rep (Calgary) - my work with the Area Council is to be an effective liaison with the PRC and ensure the work they are doing is supported (politically and financially). This would include getting our message out the general public on national priorities and campaigns to our community and also our area membership. During this period, there was nothing more important as the 2015 election to bring an end to the Conservative government reign of our members and our neighbors. A lot of work, sweat and tears went into having a presence and getting out to speak with general public and relay our message, and so we did take advantage of being present at events such as Labor Day BBQ in downtown Calgary, GlobalFest cultural festival, letter writing campaigns during Provincial election and some later by-elections. We continued with attempts to engage our members to join in these events and other celebrations with hosting Public Service Week BBQ (June 2015), Volunteer Appreciation evening (Dec 2014/2015), and hosting film nights with short films through Canadian Labor International Film Festival (Oct 2015/2016). With a celebration of 50th anniversary of PSAC there was an ice cream event for our members in downtown Calgary (Aug 2016).

I wish to recognize and greatly thank with all appreciation, the Calgary Area Council executive - Dale Mariancz, Phillip Chan, and Deb Kosteniuk for their strong support and endless understanding to the commitment of the Area Council work we do for our Calgary members and the Calgary community. I look forward in serving another term (2017/2020) as your Calgary Area Council Representative on Prairie Region Council.

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