Winnipeg RWC Mtg Minutes (Mar 14 2017)

Winnipeg Regional Women's Committee Meeting Minutes - 14 March 2017

Attendance: Sheilagh Hansen, Nicole Papineau, Gloria Kelly, Shelley Henn, Mona Simcoe, Kelly Pendulak, Valerie Denesiuk- life member GSU, Yvonne Hein

1- Call to order at 17:20 hrs
2- Statement on harassment considered read.
3- Agenda approved as circulated.
4- minutes of Feb meeting not available as secretary not in attendance
5- treasurer report - unavailable but Nicole now has signing authority
6- budget proposal for upcoming year -
(I) we are happy with the proposal that is going forward and the complete document will be completed by tomorrow
(II) We are still investigating what we can do with the spring planting workshop- more details to come but we do want a workshop at PSAC for sure and possibly one at the West Central Women's Resource Centre
7- Old Business- none arising
8- New Business- none arising
9- Round table
(I) National equity conference- women's caucus we will have at least four members in attendance. Agenda and resolutions have been received. Various resolutions were discussed with concern expressed about the cost of some of the resolutions and how they will be received by the floor of convention.

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